Chapter 2 - Travels

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Hayes POV

Once Mary and I had both freshened up we headed downstairs to where everyone else was. My father was sat in the living room with everyone else. Lincoln was stood peering through the window. Mary's parents were sat preparing breakfast for us which wasn't looking like a lot. There was food and water on the table and floor, looking like everything within the house.

"What's going on?" I questioned them.
"We're leaving." My father stated.
"What? Why?" I turned to him. "You heard the same broadcast as the rest of us. It's too dangerous."
"We can't stay here Hayes. Not in our town." He shook his head.
"So you just want us to go out there?" I opposed. "Where it's fucking unsafe."
"No." He shook his head. "We have the cars, are we are all going to travel to the lodge cabin up north that we own. It's away from the cities and it's going to be safe over there."
"We will make it there Hayes. We will." He shook his head. "We all need to get away from here before those people try getting into our house to kill us too."

I just shook my head and started to make my way back up the stairs. Mary quickly followed behind me and pulled on my arm, out of the sight of everybody else.
"Hayes." She spoke sternly.
"Mary don't you dare." I scolded. "Don't you dare side with him!"
"He's right Hayes!" Mary put her foot down. "It's not safe here."
"I don't want to put you back out there Mary!" I raised my voice. "I can't put you in danger again."
"Stop shouting, they could hear us." She pushed me back. "We are doing what your dad says. We need to get away, what happened was only a couple blocks from here."
"You expect us to take a trip that takes nearly 6 hours, the highways are probably packed. How does he even expect to get out of this town?"
"He's your father and you need to listen to him. He's doing what's best for everyone."
"Whatever Mary." I shook my head and turned around to head back up the stairs and to my room.

I got into my room and opened up my wardrobe, getting out a pair of black cargo trousers, a black plain jumper, a pair of black timberland boots and black leather gloves. I changed into the outfit and got out clothes for Mary to change into also. I then packed a few things I thought I would need, such as a brush and cleaning essentials. I picked up my bag and was about to head downstairs when I heard my bedroom door close. I looked up to see Mary's mother in the doorway.
"Julie." I smiled.
"How are you feeling?" She asked.
"I'm fine." I faked a smile.
"Honestly?" She gave me a knowing look. "Tell me."
"I'm worried about May." I exhaled heavily. "I don't want her to be back out there where it's clearly no longer safe."
"It's a journey we have to take in order to be safe Hayes, it's a place that is far away from anything else and I think that your father is right."
I exhaled heavily once more.
"Besides, Mary knows how to look after herself and so do you. Even if it isn't safe, you two have us and eachother more than anything else." Her mother reassured me. "Things will be fine and I think that you will be able to look after her just fine."
"I just don't want to put her in danger."
"You won't Hayes, you've always protected her and I know that you will continue to do so."
Her mother hugged me tightly before we both headed downstairs.

We loaded everything into the back of the two cars we were going to use for the journey. My dad had retrieved a Jerry can of fuel from the garage and stored it in the back of the car also. We had taken everything and before we went into our designated cars, my father gathered the six of us.
"We don't exactly know what's going on but all I do know is that each of us need a means of defending ourselves. So each of us will have a weapon." He started. "All of the guns will stay with me and Dane. Everything else can be used by everybody."

In the back of the empty boot of the second car was an artillery of weapons. There were two baseball bats, a few hand held knives, and two hand guns. Mine and Mary's dad took both of the handguns for themselves and put them into the back of their trousers.
I took hold of a plain black aluminium baseball bat along with a knife and my brother did the same. Mary's mother took a knife and Mary was hesitant to touch anything laid out.
"Babe take one." I nudged her gently. "It will be fine, as long as you don't point it at any of us."
Mary didn't appreciate my joke and instead shoved me playfully before speaking.
"I won't be much use with one of these." She pointed to the knives. "Maybe I should just go without one."
"Have one just in case." I placed my hand on her shoulder. "We could get separated and you might need to use one."
"Don't say that." She shook her head, picking up the smallest knife there. "I'm not using this."
"Suit yourself." Lincoln said. "I can't wait to use this bad boy."
He swung the bat once before my dad scolded him and told him to cut it out.
"We should get going, it's going to be dark in a few hours." Dane spoke up.

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