Chapter 3 - Dead End

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Hayes POV

The sound of a roaring engine woke me from my sleep during the middle of the night. I could see rays of light shining through my window from the pitch black surroundings outside. I got up from my bed and headed to my window to see the car in the driveway pulling away and steering left to head in the direction we were heading later on. For a second my heart stopped thinking that everyone had left me behind and that caused me to rush down the stairs and remove the barricades from the front door. I rushed outside and headed in the direction of the car that was driving away.
"Hey!" I shouted. "Stop!"

I kept sprinting in the direction of the car and after shouting for nearly five minutes, the vehicle came to a halt. I closed in on the vehicle with relief plastered across my face when nearing it. I pressed my hands against the window and reached for the car door but froze upon realising that it wasn't my family inside. I didn't know who they were. Two men, late 20s were occupying the vehicle which caused me to back away from the door. A dark haired male opened up the driver side door and stepped out.
"You should've just let us go." He shook his head.
"This is my car." I spat. "Get out."
The man shoved me backwards, causing me to stumble back and trip over my own feet. On the way down I hit my head on the concrete pavement, causing a sharp pain to spread across the surface of my skull.
"Fuck.." I held the back of my head in pain.
Before I could say anything I felt a large boot against the side of my face, causing me to hit my head on the pavement once more. This time my head stayed down and I didn't have the strength to sit back up again.
"Stop..." I trailed off.
I felt myself slowly slipping away as I struggled to keep my eyes open. The last thing I felt was two pairs of hands on my body dragging me carelessly towards the vehicle before tossing me into the back.

That was the last thing I remembered before blacking out.

I was woken up by water being thrown over my head and my cold body. I shivered as I felt the cold against my skin. I looked down and realised that I no longer had my black jumper on and was left in my cargo trousers and a sports bra. Looking up, I laid eyes on the same dark haired male that had assaulted me before I had blacked out.

"Good." He spoke up. "You're up."
His voice was deep, dark and scratchy.
I glanced around to see concrete walls around me and tried to move but felt my hands bound behind my body. I kept tugging and tried to get my arms free but it was no use, I was tightly bound to a steel pipe.
"Let me go." I spat.
He ignored my words and simple shook his head before coming towards me.
"You're not going anywhere." His voice turned sadistic. "You're ours now."
"You can't do this!" I retorted. "The police will find me and so will my family!"
"Oh darlin'." The light haired man finally spoke up. "The police won't be comin'. They got problems of they own to be dealin' with."
"What do you mean?" I questioned.
"You don't know already?" He chuckled.
I shook my head in response.
"Them flesh eatin' monkeys got police occupied. They takin' all our forces out though, and all our people too."
"Aren't the police and army handling it?" I screw faces at him.
"I know you've seen all the dead bodies too. You must have." The dark haired one spoke up. "Those things are killing everybody and even with guns the forces are useless against them."
I didn't say or do anything expect look at him as he spoke.
"We're all on our own now." He continued. "That means we can take and do whatever we want. We are living in a free world now so you better get used to it."
"So the first thing you choose to take is a car and me?" I mocked. "How smart of you."
The dark haired man didn't take lightly to my mocking and took a few steps forward to get into my face. I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek and after a few seconds realised that he had slapped me.
"Don't ta-"

Before he could finish his sentence I had slammed my forehead against the bridge of his nose, causing him to stumble backwards. He was quick to recover and delivered a powerful blow to my upper stomach, completely taking the wind out of me.
"You little bitch." He spat at me.
"Fuck you." I angrily spoke back.
The other man quickly intervened and swung for me, his large fist connecting with the same side of my face.
"Show some respect."
I spat out at him.
"How's that for respect."
"You think you're tough do you?" He nearly mocked. "I'll leave you crying little girl."
"Just know you're lucky that I'm tied up." I let out angrily.
"You wouldn't do shit even if you wasn't tied up. You'd receive the beating of a lifetime." The dark haired man informed me. "If I we're you I would keep quiet."
"Or what?" I tested. "What are you gonna do?"
"That's it..."

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