Chapter 6 - We Made It

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Hayes POV

We had been on the road for just under two days and we had finally reached the long gravel road leading up to the family cabin that we owned. We kept an eye out for any dead ones as we made our way up the path. I readjusted my backpack strap on my shoulder and turned to Mason, who was looking around to the right hand side of us.
"We're finally here Mason." I let out relieved.
"I didn't think we would make it Hayes." He admitted. "Without a car and much food, I didn't think we would. But we are finally here. We can finally rest properly."
"Yeah, we can." I smiled. "It was worth the journey."
"Hopefully your family are here." He said. "I know what it's like to get separated from loved ones, especially when it's your family and partner. It isn't easy."
"It's been hell..." I admitted. "I miss Mary so much."
"You will see them again." He said confidently. "I can feel it."

Just as I opened my mouth to speak a dead one appeared from the tree line and started limping towards us on the path ahead, gargling and groaning at us.
"Walker." Mason informed me.
"I've got it."
I lifted my crossbow in my hands and aimed it at the skull of the walker, pulling back the arrow and loading the crossbow, I released an arrow into the centre of its forehead. The dead one fell limp before us on the gravel pathway and I made my way over to it to retrieve my arrow. I pulled the arrow out of its head and reloaded my crossbow with it.
"Nice shot." Mason spoke up.

He dragged the body back into the tree line and followed closely behind me up to the cabin. Once it was in view I started sprinting towards the large cabin. I couldn't see the any signs of anyone but rushed through the large gates and to the front of the cabin. Retrieving the spare key near the door, I opened the door and walked inside.
"Dad! Lincoln! May!" I called out. "Are you guys here?"
Mason came up behind me and set the bags down before closing the front door.
"Hello?" I called out once more.
"They aren't here..." he observed.
"They should be here..." I lowered my head. "I thought they would be."
I felt a tear escape my eye and slowly run down my cheek and onto the floor below my feet. Mason put his hand on my shoulder and exhaled softly before speaking.
"I'm sorry Hayes." He nearly whispered. "Maybe they're just not here yet. You said your car got stolen right? So they didn't have transport..."
"Yeah, that's true but..."
"So don't give up." He said firmly. "They will be here."
"I hope so." I sniffled before carrying the bags upstairs to a spare room in the cabin.

I showed Mason around and allowed him to get comfortable. We kept staying on watch at the balcony at the front of the cabin.
"This is a good place to stay you know." Mason said. "It's big, it's got fences. High points. It's also well hidden with the dense forest area around it."
"Alright soldier." I joked. "It's perfect."
"We can fortify this place, make the fences a lot stronger and harder to get through, we can scavenge around the area and see what there is for us."
"Yeah, how about we get rest for the remainder of today and start on plans tomorrow for this place?"
"Sounds good." He nodded. "We need the rest, you especially."

Mason and I took turns in taking watch and it was now his turn. I was laying down on the bed and for tonight we were sleeping in the same room so that we could both stay together and stay alert. I closed my eyes and turned over on the bed, my eyelids feeling heavy with my mind and body feeling exhausted after the last couple of days. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

I was woken up by a hand on my shoulder shaking me lightly. I opened my eyes to see Mason stood over me.
"Hey." He smiled.
"Hey." My raspy voice responded.
"I let you sleep in." He chuckled. "You were pretty much out of it all night and morning."
"I'm so sorry." I rubbed my face. "You should've woken me earlier."
"No way." He shook his head. "You need the rest, the last couple days have been hard for you."
"Doesn't mean I skip my lookout shift." I shook my head. "We should start on those plans we spoke about yesterday."
"Yeah come on, I already started." He helped me out of the bed. "I have a couple papers laid out on the table downstairs."

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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