a miku keychain

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Well this story or book thing is kind of disorganized because I am probably going to keep switching between character x reader and character x character. But I am not a very organized person in the first place. So yeah. I will probably never have a schedule that I will ever go by. I just wing it so anyway, this was suggested by @yugioh_fangirl so yeah, enjoy. :3


America holds the hat in front of your face with a wide grin stretching from ear to ear on his face.

"Why are you smiling so much? You've been like that since we started this game." You say shoving your hand in the hat eyeing him suspiciously.

"No reason, dude." He says, louder than necessary.

You stop talking suddenly not wanting to know why he's all giddy. Feeling around the bag you poke and prod at random things. You finally talk some random thing out finding as everything in the hat is completely uninteresting to the touch. You examine the tiny figure in your hand. It's a Miku Hatsune keychain. You smile automatically knowing who exactly it is and you try so very to hide the excitement that is welling up inside of you. You stand up trembling because of all the energy and calmly and awkwardly walk into the closet behind the one and only Japan. You bite your bottom lip to try and not squeal and fangirl. ((I love Japan so much and I would just fangirl and pass out if this actually happened. But when I wake up I would probably just watch a bunch of anime with him. Especially yoai.))

"Konichiwa, _____-san" He says formally addressing you. The door closes and America shouts through it.

"You dudes have 7 minutes starting now!" He shouts and you can here him run away like he's late to something. That guy can be so weird sometimes.

"So..." You start trying to make conversation, which is something both of you are bad at. Don't worry I am too. "Miku Hatsune is cool."

"Hai, she is."

You just can't help it anymore. He is way too cute for your own good. You glomp him.

"Huh? _____-san? What are you doing?" He asked clearly confused.

"Sorry I just couldn't help it." You say getting off of him and backing up.

He smiles at you and you blush looking away. You embarassed yourself in front of him. Oh my god. Look what you do. -3-

"It's fine." He reassures you, still holding that small smile on his face.

You look back at him and the blush fades away. The two of you stare lovingly at each other for a while. Lost in one anothers' eyes. Finally you go in for a kiss. Just a quick peck before America opens the door.

"Time is up!" He shouts.

The two of walk out together and the rest of the night went by normally. Heheh.


I get lazy sometimes and forget about things. Especially if my thinkpan is cluttered with a lot of things. Like "do now"s and school things and personal problems and stuff. So I am so sorry this is way overdue. I was supposed to write this and post it a looooooong time ago, but school was like "oh you got a life? I don't think so! Not anymore anyway!" And then slapped me in theface with work, work, and oh look at that more work. So yeah.... I am sorry.

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