Chapter 21

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(Nothing crazy happens on the journey back. In fact it only took a day to get back so.. time skip.)

    I sighed in relief when I spotted the mansion. Jeff did too, and BEN was already way ahead of us.

    Jeff hadn't talked to me since our argument, but that was fine by me. Although I would occasionally catch him glancing over at me. It didn't bother me too much, but it did make me slightly uncomfortable.

    It was already night, the moon high in the dark sky. I shifted into a wolf, which was something I hadn't willingly done in what felt like forever.

    I bathed in the silver beams, allowing it to ignite my pelt. I could feel Jeff's gaze burning into my ribcage, but I didn't care.

    I was back to my regular wolf, the only thing different being the moonlight lighting my fur silver.

    I trotted up to the mansion, the grass soft on my pads. I inhaled deeply, overlooking the trees. The cool night breeze stirred my pelt slightly, sending shivers down my spine to my tail.

    The moon gave me renewed strength, although it wasn't as much strength and energy as I had back at the facility. I still had yet to figure out what that was all about.

    Jeff and BEN went inside, exhaustion written clearly on their faces. I looked at the door, then the woods, then the door again. Huffing, I darted off into the darkness, relishing the breeze brushing through my fur.

    I leaped over a fallen log, gracefully landing on the other side. I bounded through a small gap and into a clearing, inhaling the icy cold air as I pushed onward.

   I pulled to a halt, allowing myself to catch my breath. I froze, perking my ears as I detected small movement coming from behind some brambles.

    I narrowed my eyes, crouching down and moving out of the moonlight so I could blend into the shadows.

    I moved forward and pushed through the thorns until I got a view of what was behind it.

    A beautiful, chocolate brown buck with white chest fur stood in the moonlight, it's broad antlers shining brightly.

    I swiped my tongue across my jaws, imagining sinking my fangs into its flesh. My mouth watered at the thought. It scanned the trees, it's ears perked in alert, before bending down and grazing.

    I slowly inched forward, ready to leap. Right as I got into the right position, though, a blur launched itself onto the buck.

     The buck released a distressed bleat, bucking its hind legs instinctively and thwacking whatever it was that tried to attack it in the face.

    It bolted off, the creature that tried to attack it coming to its senses and shaking its head. I froze as I recognized it. The same d*mn wolf.

    I growled under my breath, baring my fangs as I lunged at the wolf right before it could take off toward the deer.

    It let out a strangled yelp of surprise, tumbling head over heels. I pinned it to the ground, my paws on its chest and my fangs inches away from its jugular.

    I growled in warning, lashing my tail as a signal for it to submit. I wanted to kill it, plunge my fangs through its throat and leave it to rot, but I decided it would be best to question it instead.

    It seemed to get the signal, going limp and exhaling heavily in defeat. There really was no way out of that situation for the wolf. If it struggled I could've easily ended its life. One snap and it would be over.

      I slowly sat up, keeping my eyes glued to the wolf in case it got any ideas. It shifted into a human. Turns out, the wolf that had been stalking me for months was indeed a male.

    He had well toned muscles, deep blue eyes, and dark brown hair. Light freckles dotted his nose and cheeks, barely visible to the human eye. He looked about my age, maybe even a little older.

    "Who are you, and why have you been following me?" I asked calmly, even though internally I was quite pissed.

    "I'm Charles, nice to meet you too." his voice was deep but smooth. He smiled innocently, getting to his feet.

    "Answer my other question." I demanded, taking a threatening step forward, "Dont think for a second I won't rip you to shreds."

    "Calm yourself. I should be the one mad! I almost got a perfectly good meal until you came along." he complained.

    "Why. Are. You. Following. Me." I repeated firmly, emphasizing each word.

    "What makes you think I am?" he replied, "How would that benefit me?"

    "I don't know.. maybe because you're apart of that d*mn pack and you were sent to stalk my every move and report it back to the alpha?" I snapped, thinking I had caught him right there and that he wouldn't be able to deny it.

    I tensed up, preparing to lunge at him if he attempted to run and escape the situation.

    "I'm a rogue. I have nothing to do with that 'd*mn pack.'" he said, smirking as he watched my scowl deepen.

   "Leave. If I ever, ever see you here again, you won't have the paws to run away on." I threatened.

    "On one condition." he said after a minute of thinking, "You help me hunt tomorrow night and make up for the buck that you made me lose."

     I clenched my fists, exhaling heavily. It was a small price to pay, and what harm could it do? He would leave me alone and I wouldn't have to kill my own kind..



Hey guys! I'm not gonna be able to update for a few days, I hope that's alright. I'm gonna try and get caught up on some work and try to get back on my feet. So sorry!

Thorn, Out

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