Survival instincts

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Alice glided into her cozy house and locked the door. She walked in the living room and almost screamed when she saw a muscular figure on her couch.

Alice felt relived when she realised that it was Tyler. She looked at him confused. She glanced at the door and back at him.

The girl didn't know how he got in, and she had no idea if he was even real. For all she knew, it could be another one of her visions, that she was getting lately.


She whispered, afraid that he would disappair. Maybe her mind was playing tricks on her. Again.


He smiled softly and stood up.

It was then, when Alice noticed Caroline and Caroline's dad.

This keeps getting weirder.

"What are you guys doing here? And how the hell did you get in?"

Alice asked them, slightly freaked out.

"I though that, since he could resist compulsion, maybe he could teach me how to resist sire bond."

Tyler said, hope shining in his eyes.

"Oh, dear Lucifer, help me..."

Alice murmured.


"Tyler you don't have to do this."

Alice argued, while Caroline's dad was chaining up Tyler.

"But I do. It's the only way to break the sire bond. To be with you."

Alice's heart broke at the though of how much pain he is willing take because of her.

"Tyler no..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Tyler has already started changing.

His paintful screams echoed through the basement and Alice felt his pain. She literally felt his pain.

It was horrible. She cluched her head and tighened her teeth.

She felt all the emotions he was feeling and it was awful. Pain. Fear. Anger. And the worst of them all, love.

She loves Tyler, but he is suffering because of her. Guilt was killing her, along with pain.

Alice screamed in agony, and Tyler shouted for her to run. He thought that she was just scared of him.

"No! I am not leaving you!"

She gritted through her teeth.

Veins appeared under his eyes but Alice didn't want to leave him. She didn't want to betray him.


Her eyes widened and she run. She was scared, but not scared for her life.

She was fearing that Tyler would hurt her, and blame himself for that.

And she did not need to feel any more guilt.


Alice strolled into the Mystic Grill and started calming down. She tried thinking about anything else.

That was, until she felt pain and loss. And sadness. She had lost her parents few days ago.

And that's what confused her the most. Because Alice's parents were still alive. Luckily.

Soon, she realised that it weren't her emotions. She scanned the people around her and noticed a woman drinking away her sorrows.

Then she felt happines. And anger. Soon pain. After that fear.

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