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A young boy sat on his bed, tears streaming down his face. 


 "Your boyfriend isn't here with you, loser." The bully smirked as he shoved the boy into the walls, "maybe even he noticed what an ugly fag you are."

The younger boy fell to the ground, right in front of them. They kicked him in the ribs a few times, before saying, "Get out of the way loser."


Blood was dripping down his nose and into his mouth and he had many bruises littered around his body, but the most noticeable thing was the self-inflicted cut on his wrists. The boy, who couldn't be more than fifteen, pulled himself together and walked to the bathroom.

"Get out of the way, loser."

He opened the medicine cabinet, reaching for the long bandage.

"Get out of the way, loser."

He rinsed the blood off his arms and wrapped the bandage around them.

"Get out of the way, loser."

He started cleaning his bruises, disinfecting them and covering them with a full coverage concealer.

"Get out of the way, loser."

He slowly made his way back to his bed and lay down.

"Get out of the way, loser."

He closed his eyes, thinking about the words echoing around his mind.

"Get out of the way loser."

"Get out of the way, loser."

"Get out of the way, loser."

Fresh tears streamed down his face as he realized the truth. That was all he would ever be. A loser.

"Get out of the way, loser."

The young boy put on his favorite red sweater, ready to sleep, and slowly, drifted off to a nightmare filled sleep.

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