Chapter VIII

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Kill me now.

That's all I thought during Math class,I rested my chin in my hand as I listened to Ms.Garcia explain how to divide fractions.I heard everyone cheer when the bell finally rang.I packed up my stuff and super-sped to Alex's Class.

I leaned against wall as I watched a bunch of people walk out of the only Art room in the school.Once Alex finally got out of the room I lightly grabbed her wrist and pulled her against me.

"Hey."I whispered before claiming her lips.I moved my hands down to her hips,as her arms wrapped around my neck.

?'S POV-


I felt someone behind me as I knocked the punching bag off it's chains.I turned to see a Boy standing with his arms crossed with annoyed look on his face.

"Who are you,Boy."I asked with a monotone voice.

"The name's Brent,I heard your the one to come to when you want someone gone."The brown-haired boy replied back. I raised an eyebrow and grabbed a towel.

"And who is it you need 'handled'?"I asked

"An Omega in my pack, her name is Alex."Brent replied. I dropped my towel, walked towards him and grabbed his throat, slamming him into the cold wall.

"What's Alex's last name?!" I roared, my eyes turning dark Orange

"Hall. Alex Hall." Brent choked out, I growled and released him. If I could find out the name of his pack I can finally be with my child!

"I wish to know the pack name so I can handle this Omega, and Also does she have a mate?"

"The Blood Moon Pack. And yeah she has a mate, It's the Future Alpha of the pack." Brent answered back while rubbing his neck, My eyes widened slightly.

Alex's Mate is an Alpha?


I sat on Skylar's lap was we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas, I smiled at the screen as Zero appeared behind Jack the pumpkin king.

"This movie is so weird." Skylar spoke as she leaned into the couch, I smacked her lightly on the thigh. I got off Skylar's lap and paused the movie.

"It's supposed to be weird,Sky." I responded as I laid my head on her shoulder. I felt Skylar put her head on top of mine and looked at our interlaced hands. I shushed Skylar as I played the movie once more.

2 hours later

I woke up when I felt someone shaking me. My eyes opened revealing Koh with Asher behind her. I looked to my right and saw Skylar scratching the back of her neck, her bed-hair all over the place.

"What's wrong Koh?" Skylar asked her voice husky with sleep.

"I think there's someone inside." Koh shakily whispered.

"Before you ask why, smell the air." Asher responded, both Skylar and me sniffed the air.

Koh was right they're is a smell here that doesn't belong to any of the pack members. Skylar stood up, turned towards the spiral stairs and growled lowly.

"Asher protect Koh, Alex please stay behind me." Skylar spoke as her claws and fangs grew out. Me and my mate walked up the stairs slowly following the strange smell.

I don't know why but I felt as if I know this scent. It just smells so familiar. Skylar and I stopped at the Brent's door.

"That little fucker!" Skylar growled out. She snarled as she broke the door off it's hinges. We entered the room and with our enhanced eyesight saw two people in the room.

Skylar tackled Brent to the ground, and I snarled at the other male. I looked at his eyes and saw that they were glowing a dark orange like mine!

I swiped my clawed hand at him when he suddenly stood in front of me. His hand gripped my wrist and looked at it, His eyes than landed on mine. I felt his free hand lightly touch my face.

"Alex....." He whispered softly.

"Do I know you?" I whispered back

"No, but I know you... and you will see me again." He spoke back to me with something in his voice. Was it determination?

All of a sudden they had vanished.


I Finally Fucking Updated!!!!!!!!!
About damn time!!!!

Can someone tell me who they Think Alex's Father is?An imaginary Cookie for who ever gets it right!



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