Chapter 1

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On Olympus.

"Poseidon can you do me a favoooor?" Aphrodite asked as she leaned on Poseidon. Poseidon replied with" Depends. What is the favor?"
Aphrodite scooted back and started a rant on how Zeus took her girdle and won't give it back. After 10 minutes she said that she wanted Poseidon to take it and give it to her. And all Poseidon said was, "No, I am not dealing with Zeus today." 

Aphrodite scowled and ran off. Releasing a glowing aura that trailed behind her. "I have a feeling something bad is gonna happen."
(No shiz Poseidon)  "Poor Demi-god, what will she do this time." He went to the Cyclops Forges and forgot about Aphrodite.

Time slid brought to you by Grover eating tin-cans.~

Percy POV

It was night out and I was just sitting back on the sand near the lake. A while ago, Me and Annabeth broke up, she started liking someone else, she wouldn't tell me who except it was a girl. (Back off homophobes but then again why would homophobes read this)

I was sitting thinking about the stuff happening this week. Jason and Piper broke up earlier this week, don't know the full details. Nico confessed to Will and together, proud of him T^T *sniffs*.  Nothing much else was happening. After a while I was tired and went to sleep. I woke up, my vision still foggy, and saw a woman. She had a pink aura around her and was beautiful from what I could see. She sprinkled something on me and I fell to sleep. Only hearing a soft giggle escape her lips.

The next morning

I opened my eyes and rubbed them before going to the bathroom to take a shower. I weren't to the sink to brush my teeth and saw....a girl? She had tan skin, black hair, and sea green eyes. I rubbed my eyes to check my vision and it as still there. "What the....?" A higher, slightly squeaky voice came from me. I screamed in realization. Annabeth ran in, being the first to hear. She stood there mouth agape and said one thing. ".....Percy?"

Annabeth stood there for a while before I said, "The one and only?". It came out as more of a question but didn't care. That woman.....she seemed... familiar. It clicked, Rosy-pink aura and beautiful features.

"....Aphrodite." I muttered. Barely audible but Annabeth heard.

"Wait, Aphrodite! You didn't offend her at all did you!" Annabeth yelled

" I don't think so....?"

A Rosy-pink aura spread across the room as the one and only, Aphrodite flashed in to the room.
"Oh... but Poseidon did." She started chuckling. "Mind explaining" I said.

"Poseidon wouldn't do a favor for me. So I cursed you. Pretty Petty I know." She stated completely nonchalantly. "I'm sorry Percy. I can't reverse the potion, but I can make your love life wayyy more interesting."

"I think you already have.' I sighed. 

"What about your little secret." She said. I immediately blushed. Annabeth's interest peaked and asked "What secret?"
She smirked, "Let's just say....he likes more than one gender."

"Okie dokie artichoke, but I think I'm gonna go now. I'll get Chiron while...whatever this is happens." Annabeth said awkwardly before leaving the room in a rush.

I....went and asked Aphrodite a few things before passing out in bed, skipping breakfast. (In the middle of typing breakfast it autocorrected into "breaking infant". My face hurts from facepalming.


Okie dokie peeps first chapter of a book I will continue for as long as I have inspiration. Of course I will try to finish it but don't expect fast updates. Capiche?

See you next time byeeeeee

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