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Only a few hours later Jungkook found himself in an office of the official Bulletproof headquarters.

After taking a direly needed shower he had called the number, which he found along with the contract from the night before.

What else could he have done?

For a second he had thought about ghosting them, but that probably wouldn't have worked out that well because Jungkook was pretty sure that in his drunken state he had revealed all his private information to the guy. By now the guy probably knew his full name, his phone number, address, credit score, and it wouldn't surprise Jungkook if he had even told him that he sometimes wished his name was Justin Seagull.

Also, Jimin was right to assume that they probably wouldn't let him out of this thing so easily.

Now he was waiting in the office of the guy who brought him into this mess. It turned out that his name was Mr. Garam. Until then Jungkook hadn't even thought about the fact that the guy had never told him his name. Or maybe Jungkook had just been too intoxicated to remember.

"Nice to see you again Jungkook. I'm glad that we were able to meet this soon to discuss further conditions of our contract."

Jungkook stood up rather hastily and bowed curtly as the devil he was just thinking about entered the office.

He was still kind of pissed that this guy took advantage of him in his drunken state like that,
but he had told himself that he should make the best out of this situation. Told himself to be polite so he could at least use this as a stepping stone into the idol business.

"So I'm going to introduce myself again officially. I'm Mr. Garam or if you want you can also call me Ethan, that's what people around here like to call me. I'm one of Young Nation's managers. You could say that I'm the one who is responsible for all members' personal matters."

Jungkook just sat there silently taking in all of the information given so far.

So you remember why we're here?"

Jungkook scoffed lightly.
"Yes, well kind of. I know that I signed a contract."

"Right. By signing it you agreed to help out one of our idols. But we haven't discussed the exact details of this agreement yet, as well as the compensation for your work."

"So let's start with that. I remember you told me that you like rap, right? I could arrange for you to meet up with Young Nation's rap line and I'm sure they wouldn't mind teaching you one thing or another.
I also found out that you're a dance student in college and as far as I could tell from my research you seem to be an amazing dancer. Together with your good looks, you could definitely become an idol. Our company would take you in as a trainee after the one year period of this contract."

"You would like that, right Jungkook?"

Jungkook didn't know what to say. This had been his dream for so long. He was baffled that they were actually offering him a spot as a trainee in their company. He didn't even have to audition.

The only thing he would have to do was to help this one idol with ...

What exactly was he supposed to help with?

"And what exactly will I have to help this idol with?"

"Oh, you know, with stress relief." Ethan said while wiggling his eyebrows

"What? You mean like giving him massages and stuff like that?"

"Oh Jungkook stop acting all innocently. I'm sure Taehyung will love it, but now isn't the right time for that."

"What?" he asked in a small voice, now more confused than ever

"I thought I made it clear to you last night what this contract was about. You will help Taehyung relief tension by having sex with him and giving in to his sexual desires. You obviously won't have to agree to just anything he wants, it is still between the two of you to discuss any kinks that are off limits for you."

Jungkook eyes were big, his mouth went dry, his brain malfunctioned because it couldn't process the terrifying meaning of the words.
To say he was shocked would be an understatement.

"But Taehyung's a guy!?" he wanted to scream but it came out as more of a whisper

Ethan seemed to get a little frustrated with him now. 

"For god's sake don't act that surprised, I know you are gay. I obviously wouldn't expect you to have sex with a woman. Don't forget we met at a gay bar after all.

"And yes Taehyung is gay. It might be surprising to you that we have him under contract despite his sexuality, but homosexuality isn't as uncommon in the entertainment industry as you might think.
Even though we cannot let the general public and media know about it, we condone it. If we didn't create arrangements like this"

Ethan was motioning his hand to show that he was talking about contracts like the one Taehyung had signed,

"then the idols would be more likely to sleep around and especially with this sexual orientation we can't have too many people know."

"And this way we at least know that the idols are not sleeping around with random people, jeopardizing their well being and their careers."

Jungkook was baffled again. The fact that he had unknowingly agreed to have sex with a guy, who was in addition also famous, wasn't even the most shocking about all of this.

He knew that the entertainment companies had shit going on and that the idol lifestyle had its shadow side which the public didn't know about, but this was on a whole new level. This was something Jungkook would have never expected. Managers making sex arrangements for their idols just seemed wrong on so many levels.

"B-but that-that's prostitution!" Jungkook finally voiced his thoughts
He was disappointed in himself for stumbling over his own words in a critical situation like this.

„If that's what you want to think that's fine, just know that in the end, it will be beneficial for all parties involved."

Jungkook was furious. Who did this guy think he was? There was no way he could actually follow through with what the agreement expected of him. He had sat there for way too long just overwhelmed and listening, now he had to finally speak up for himself.

„I don't think I can do this! I don't want to do this. I'm not gay and I definitely don't want to be a prostitute! I was drunk when I signed this stupid contract, which makes the agreement invalid!" he declared

"Don't get nervous Jungkook, I'm sure Taehyung will like you. And think about the compensation you'll get, in a year you will be so much closer to live your dream."

In stern voice Ethan added," I'd also strongly advise you to not make any rash or stupid decisions. We have great legal representation and no offense, but I don't think you have the financial means to go to court.
Our company also has a lot of influence and we could destroy yours AND your friend's reputation in an instant. So don't break the contract and don't tell anything I just told you to anyone else."

His voice changing back to a polite and professional tone, like he had not just threatened Jungkook a second ago.

"I think we're finished here. It was really nice to see you again Jungkook, I'm looking forward to working with you."

With those words, he stood up and made his way out of the door.

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