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Jungkook woke up, with Taehyung snuggled up next to him, hugging him in his sleep. He carefully untangled himself from the embrace, and sat up in bed, hissing at his head, which hurt like a bitch.

He groggily looked at the peacefully sleeping boy beside him, and all the unfortunate memories of the last night came back to him when he saw the strikingly obvious marks he had left on the older's skin.
Jungkook didn't know much about hickeys, but damn, those looked like they would last for a while.

He wished he could have forgotten about his embarrassing fit from the night before, but this time his hangover didn't grant him the mercy of a blackout.

He got up as silently as possible, not wanting to wake up Taehyung. He was already ashamed enough of his outburst and would not be able to bear the humiliation that would come with having to face the older right now... or ever again.

He made his way out of Taehyungs room, glancing back to the boy one last time, who had now found a pillow to hug instead.

Luckily Taehyung hadn't shown any sign of waking up and he already thought he had successfully escaped the lion's den when he heard voices coming from the kitchen.

He cursed himself for not thinking about the possibility of the other members being home again. He hadn't seen them in the dorm last night, but apparently, they had gotten back home either really late last night or earlier this morning.

He thought he could maybe sneak out without getting noticed by any of them. That's what he hoped for. He'd really appreciate to not have to interact with them this morning.
He hadn't passed a mirror yet, but he could only assume that he must be looking and smelling like an actual dumpster. He was still wearing his clothes from the night before and was probably still strongly emitting the odor of alcohol.

Either way, his chance to leave was now or never and never wasn't an option because never would mean he'd have to face Taehyung. So he just went for it, tiptoeing towards the door, past the kind of open kitchen. He had almost made it to the door when he heard Seokjin's voice.

"Oh Jungkook-ah, what a nice surprise to see you this fine morning."

Oh yes, what a fine morning it was...

Jungkook turned his head, facing whole Young Nation except for their maknae. But to his surprise they weren't staring at him weirdly, they only gave him quick glances, before they returned to whatever they were occupied with before.

Hoseok started playing another round of Jenga by himself.

Yoongi was trying to get napping again, to continue dreaming about being a stone in his next life.

Namjoon was directing his with glasses framed eyes back on the newspaper in front of him.

And Jin continued preparing breakfast.

They didn't seem fazed by seeing Jungkook in their dorm, trying to leave quietly, the morning after staying the night.

Jungkook wondered if Taehyung had told them the truth by now, or if they were still believing that he and Taehyung were actually sleeping with each other because of the contract.
He almost let out a bitter laugh, when he realized that he had actually tried to do just that last night.

"Do you want to eat breakfast with us? Food will be ready in just a second." Jin asked smiling brightly

No, he really didn't want to, he wanted to leave as quickly as possible, but how do you tell a Kim Seokjin, that you don't want to try his food, without upsetting him?

It's not that he didn't like spending time with the members of YN and he usually really appreciated homecooked meals. He had heard only good things about Jin's food from Taehyung, but there was the threatening chance of a waking Taehyung, in addition to his stomach feeling like it was doing cartwheels. Not a great feeling.

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