Brighten Up My World

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Third Person's POV

Suga that's what they call him. He is very pale and his smile is more than what you could ask for. His body is alive yet his soul is dead. His smiles are fake and so he is. He's never been true to people. He keeps his problems to himself. He drinks and smokes. He said what he's doing releases some stress in his body and mind.

One night changed the stressful life of his. An angel came to his life, how?


Yoongi's POV

I was eating in a café in our neighbourhood when a girl interrupted me.

"Hey, excuse me."

I looked up at her and saw her beautiful face. It's like a light came to brighten up my dark world. Her face wears a smile and is bare. She doesn't wear any make up and her hair is loose.


"Can I have a sit here? All the seats are occupied and I really need to eat quickly."

I looked around me and saw that there is a lot of people in the café today. Usually when I go here there's only 10 to 20 seats that are occupied. I looked back at her and answered.


I moved my plate closer to me so she can put down hers on the table.

"By the way, I'm Jisoo."

"I'm Yoongi."

"Nice to meet you Yoongi."

She said stretching out her hand for me to shake and of course I did.

After 5 minutes we're done with our food.

"Thanks for your help Yoongi."

"No problem."

"I need to go now, see you when I see you!"

"Ok see you too."

And with that she left. With her leave, my world became dark and lifeless again. I want to see her again, no, I need to see her again. I don't how she makes me smile when she smiles. And it's my first time to smile a real smile.

I'll see you soon, Jisoo.

End of flashback*

Third person's POV

And they met several times again under some circumstances. At their 4th meeting they decided to exchange numbers and after that they kept on texting each other. They became the bestest mate. Jisoo is there for him and so is Yoongi.

Jisoo soon knew that he is drinking or smoking so she made a way for him to stop that.


Jisoo is with Yoongi in his room. He is playing the piano while Jisoo is eating chicken and browsing on her phone. Yoongi suddenly took out a packet of cigarettes and took out a lighter. Jisoo looked at him and she quickly went to him and snatched the cigarettes and lighter on his hands.

"What are you doing Yoongi?!"

"Trying to light a cigarette so I can smoke."

"What the?! Do you know that smoking can harm your lungs?! Here take this."

Jisoo gives out a lollipop to Yoongi.

"Don't. Ever. Smoke. Again. Understood?!"





At the park (a month later)*

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