The Trip

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It took us a year to plan for it. Apparently by 'pool' Alex actually meant ''island in the middle of the lake'

We still had fun there, though. I finally got to try and sneak up on my mate. He just picked me up over his shoulder and tickled me.

I swear he has some incredible senses.

Anyway when we got back to the packhouse with laughs and smiles GALORE.

And then we saw who was visiting.

It was the Bloodclaws...

Suffice it to say that if Blade hadn't been held back by me and Eska he would have been breaking (blowing up) punching bags made especially for him.

It isn't a good thing to anger Blade.

For two reasons. One, he is scary as fuck when angry (not to mention hot). Two, everybody in me and my sisters familyis incredibly protective. Which actually matches him perfectly.

For example, one time when me and Eska were being hit on by a trio of guys, he came into the picture with his eyes turning blood red. Rage''s color when he's making an appearance. In this case however, ALL of his Shards were pissed off. He said, and these are his exact words, "Leave my mates alone, OK guys?"

"Sorry, Beta." Was the only response he got.

Back to the present.

Alpha Tom looked even less happy. Alpha Sarah was actually rather beuatiful for a royal bitch. Apparently Blade can sense my thoughts, because he put a hand on my shoulder to turn me to him. He shook his head and said, "Don't be too hard on her, all right?" I couldn't help but obey. Among me, my sister, and Blade, he's the most dominant.

"Blade, I need to talk to you. Meet me in the Office, all right?"

"All right, Tom. I''ll be there as soon as I can." He responded.

The expression on his face was not a happy one.

"We'll be in our room OK?"

"OK" Was all he said in response.

When me and my sister were in our room, Eska said, "How about we prepare a special surprise for when he gets out?"

"Yeah. From the look on his face, he's going to need something to cheer him up. I hope he's going to be OK."

"Same here..."


One look at Blade's face and I knew that he was NOT happy about the Bloodclaws being in the Pack house. His eyes had turned an amber green color in one eye and amber red in the other. First thought going through my head was "Uh-oh."

"You wanted me, Alpha?" he said, compleetely ignoring the Bloodclaws. Sarah was now angry at being disrespected in such a way. Honestly, if she doesn't even recognize him, I wouldn't respesct her either if I were in his place. But as his Alpha, much as I don't want to, I have to make him pay attention to her.

"Blade. You know better than to ignore visiting Alpha's. Hell, since you came here as my Beta you've met six already. You will do the same here. Understood?" At the same time I Pack Linked to him "Look I don't like this anymore than you do, but play nice until then OK?"

"Yes, Alpha." Was his response to both commands.

He turned torwards Sarah. with his normal eyes. Which is actually quite a bit scarier because they currently are like little pieces of green ice.

"Alpha Sarah." He was surprisingly calm considering the circumstances.

"Beta." She said it with such contempt, that I almost bristled. Blade cocked his head to one side.

"You're here to train for the upcoming Demon Invasion, aren't you."

"I see no reason  why I should answer that question, little Beta." He looked at me with a pleading look in his eyes. I smiled and inclined my head.

Suddenly there was a sharp crack as the door opened to reveal my mate. Black hair, green eyes, and fair skin she was about five eight she walked in, hugged Blade who grinned and hugged her back. To him she's like a second mother. She looked at me and said, "Dragon outside. She says that you guys would recognize this." and held out a hoodie that looked like...ugh... Rianbow dash... from MLP.

"Tell her she can come in."


She left just as Blade's eyes suddenly flashed with happiness. Kirstin, the dragon outside, has always been one of his closest friends. Strwberrry blonde hair, blue eyes, and a grin that seems to brighten the room, she was always welcome in the pack house. Especially since she was part of it.

"Hey, Blade!" she said with a grin.

He smiled back, and said, "Hey, Kir."

She frowneed as she sensed the tensiion in th'['[0poe room. You see, she ain't a normal dragon. She's an Emotion Dragon. Incredibly powerful in their own right they are normally healers and friendly whiile they do it.

"I'll be out in a sec, OK, ED?" Blade said, using onee of his favourite nicknames for her.

"OK. Try not to kill any one this time, OK?"

"Oh for- it only happened once, damn it!" I snickered at this. He just ignored me.

"Yes but unlike aa lot of people, I know your problem with these people."

"OK, true. I'll do my best, K?"


As soon as she left he turned back torwards Alpha Sarah with a faint smile. I breathed out a sigh of relief. He wasn't in a hmicidal mood anymore

"OK, Alpha, what is it you wanted from me?" he asked me.

"I actually wanted you to, and don't get homicidal please, trian them for the Invasion." POOF! Good mood gone. In its place was a grin that everyone in the pack had learned to fear. And seeing as how he's basically the Pack drill sergeant, AKA trainer, It's with very good reason that they're afraid of it.

I almost felt sory for the Bloodclaw Pack.


"Of course, Tom." He rarely if ever uses my name around others. The fact that he did now says that he is really happy now. OK, apparently send the Bloodclaws to their death by trainer is now off the list.

"Good. You can go now. Training days are every Thursday. You are allowed to call in the occasional Surprise Training Day. Now scram. Your mates are waiting for you." He smiled and inclined his head. As soon as he was gone I lopoked at Sarah and siad, "You are SCREWED."


-Coming up is an R rated scene. If you don't like it or want to read it, just wait until the chapter after that is up. I do not appreciate people doing something and blaming me for the problem. That got annoying in elementry. I'm probably going to change Blade's name, too. Sorry



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