Sprayed Sunflowers and Blooming Hearts

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A/N: ugh I read chapter one over again and it had so many errors I'm crying, but that's okay because it just means my writing has improved. I honestly had a great idea for this chapter but I got tired of it really fast and just wanted to end it. Also sorry for not updating that fast I did have another chapter but I think that one might just be better off as a separate book.


"He's been spotted again." A tired voice informed as a pale manila folder was dropped on Jungkook's desk.

Jungkook looked up from his laptop to meet the tired eyes of his fellow police officer Min Yoongi. He was 4 years years older than Jungkook and his senior in their precinct.  Even though he was older he was shorter than Jungkook and had blond hair and sharp tired eyes from working extra hours at the station.

"Thanks Yoongi-hyung. Ugh, why can't this kid keep his spray cans to himself." The younger groaned in annoyance as he massaged the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger.

"Who knows, maybe he want's to express himself. Anyway I gotta go I'm still stuck on the Jung case and I don't have any leads." Yoongi said offhandedly before walking toward his own desk across the room.

Jungkook sighed tiredly as he watched the other walk off. He was put on the "V" case a couple months back. It was a small case to help him adjust to the police life. "V" was the name of the graffiti artist that kept drawing on random buildings. No one was in danger, but the owners of the buildings kept complaining and with the rise of gang activity V might be a member of one.

The officer ran his right hand through his soft purple locks and picked up the file Yoongi gave him and opened it.

NAME: Unknown- Goes by "V"

AGE: Unknown



VIOLATIONS:Vandalism personal property & trespassing

  Attached to V's file are multiple pictures with his graffiti. They ranged from abstract art to random sceneries. Some of the places looked familiar and Jungkook was sure that one of them is a painting of the Han River by one of his favorite ice cream shops. He kept looking at the pictures intently for new clues, until he got to last picture in the pile which was new. Putting the other photographs down he began to examine the new piece of evidence.

Sprayed on the side of a red brick wall is a silhouette of a large oak tree in the winter time. Looking closer Jungkook noticed two figures sitting under the tree holding hands. Their connected hand having a warm glow to it compared to the icy nature of the picture. Bringing the picture closer to his face the police officer noticed that both the figures seemed to be male.

The picture was absolutely beautiful and Jungkook was blown away at the talent that the artist had. If the picture wasn't on the side of a building and the artist wasn't a criminal the policeman would have asked V to sell it to him.

The style of the artwork reminded him of his old classmate Kim Taehyung a sweet boy he went to high-school with. He was a social butterfly and got along with everyone. The boys never really talked to one another unless necessary but they shared the same art class. 

Jungkook could vividly remember the various paintings and sculptures the older boy would make. Each art piece made from the other boy's hands carried it's own essence and emotion.   Unlike Jungkook the other was versatile when it came to trying new art styles and projects. One day he would be painting, the next sculpting, and the one after that doing wood work. Back then Jungkook was jealous of Taehyung's ability to be so creative, but it soon turned to admiration. Sometime during that year the younger would find himself looking at the other boy as he worked, developing a crush on the creative boy. To this day he still had lingering feelings for the other, he was his first crush after all.

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