Foot Long (Crack fic!)

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A/N: It's not really made to be a ship fic but taekook are the main characters so.....

I swear it's not romantic Tae just be like that ok? OK?!


Taehyung was in the middle of doodling a forest he imagined into his sketchbook when a loud yelp and thud erupted from somewhere in the dorm.

After knowing the other BTS members for so long he identified the voice as Jungkook. He was instantly worried a little at the thought of the youngest member being hurt, but that quickly went away when he heard Jimin's voice asking if the other was ok and a reply of "Yeah, I'm fine!". Jimin's footsteps could be heard as he made his way to where the youngest was located, probably to make sure he was actually ok. It was one of the things that Taehyung loved about his proclaimed soulmate. Jimin was the kindest and most caring person the other knew.

A few seconds passed before Jimin's squeaky laughter filled the air causing Taehyung to become curious. It went on for a bit with Jimin wheezing in laughter and Jungkook shouting repeatedly "It's not funny!".

Curiosity completely peeked, Taehyung put his sketchbook down and followed the noise to the living room where Jimin was rolling on the floor laughing, while Jungkook was pouting- and oh that's where Yeontan ran off to. In the youngest member's arms was Taehyung's precious Pomeranian son Yeontan.

Upon Taehyung's arrival the small dog began to yip and squirm in Jungkook's arms to be let down, causing the other two maknae line members to look at him.

"Oh my god! You won't guess what just happened!" Jimin said between fits of laughter.

"No! Don't you dare!" Shot back Jungkook, his face turning red.

Upon seeing the youngest's distress, like the good older brother Taehyung is he had to get in on the fun.

"What happened?" He asked genuinely curious about the situation. Jungkook let out a scream and buried his face in Yeontan's fur.

"Jungkook got scared and fell off the couch because Yeontan licked the bottom of his foot!" Jimin said tears coming out his eyes at how much he was laughing.

"He's lucky! I almost kicked him!" Jungkook shouted.

"JUNGKOOK!" Both the other boys yelled in terror.

"WHAT IT'S NATURAL INSTINCT! I ALMOST PUTTED HIM TO HAWAII! IT'S HIS FAULT!" Jungkook said trying to defend himself, "Besides he wouldn't have gotten far the window is closed. He would have just splatted against the glass like the birds from the Windex commercials."

The two 95 liners looked at the youngest in horror knowing the full muscle power that is Jeon Jungkook, that was a possible outcome.

With no words needed Taehyung walked over to Jungkook and grabbed the puppy in his hands and started kissing the small dog's face, as he received happy licks in return.

"Don't worry Tannie the bad man can't hurt you anymore." Taehyung said loudly enough for Jungkook to hear as he cuddled his dog.

"Yeah you're safe now! Daddy Taehyungie and Uncle Jiminie will protect you!" Jimin said getting up to join Taehyung in cuddling the puppy.

Jungkook just rolled his eyes at the three.


The boys got off of practice earlier than usual today causing them to have extra free time around dinner. Jin, Hoseok, and Yoongi decided that it would be a good idea to eat a meal together like a big happy family.

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