The rescue

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B/N screeched as the young knight penetrated his stomach with his mighty sword. Since you were still in a dazed state, you couldn't comprehend what was going on. B/N soon screamed in terror as he soon disintegrated into the ground, the only remaining reminder of his existence was that of a single purple rose.
  The young knight made his way towards you. "Fair maiden, for I have searched far and wide for you and for your hand in marriage." He said lovingly. You were still under B/N's control. "W-where is my lover?" You said as you began to look frantically for B/N. "P-please fair maiden do not be alarmed for I am....

"GeT aWaY fROm mY lOvEr!"


Large vines soon rapidly emerged from the forest, soon enough B/N returned, angrier than before. He grabbed you by your waist and kissed you in front of the knight. Terror struck the knights face as you smiled lovingly at your murderous lover.

"Never come near me, or my sweetheart EVER AGAIN!"

Birds flew as a scream echoed through the forest.

Growing onto you. (Flower King x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora