seventeen. legacy

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( seventeen     lucy — still woozy ft. odie )

We stayed by the shore probably too late considering we were alone in a dark forest at one in the morning.

We talked about everything and nothing and it felt so right to be sitting so close to him exchanging every little minor detail about our lives.

"Favorite color?" i asked him, knowing it was a cliche but for some reason i thought a person's favorite color revealed a lot about them. Chase looked at me closely and rolled his eyes is a sarcastic manner, throwing his head back with him.

"That's a stupid question rory." he told me and mouth shot open in defense.

"You said there are no stupid questions, excuse me." and he shook his head gave me a goofy grin. He grabbed a handful of sand and tossed it slightly in front of him, repeating that action multiple times.

"Its black." he said, back to his normal, deep, monotone voice. It was an obvious question, but i wanted his reasoning.

Delia said her favorite color what crimson red because it was the most diverse color. It was the color of love, rage, passion and she felt connected to them in some way. When she was fourteen, her college freshman friend got her a tattoo on her hip of crossing fingers in crimson red. She told me it gave her good luck when she was out of the house. I didn't get it at the time, but i knew she wanted all the lucky she could get at the parties she attended, but we both knew she really didn't need the extra ounce of luck her crimson tattoo gave her. Mom and dad didn't find out about her tattoo until she died, but i knew they probably wouldn't care too much.

"Why?" i asked him and his face formed into a puzzled expression.

"Why? Well i don't really know, it goes with everything?" he said in a question type form and i laughed and nudged his shoulder. "What? I gave you my reasoning."

"No chase, what does the color make you feel?" i asked and he took a second to gather his thoughts and thin.

"it can be calming but it can also be loud and punctuated. It kind of molds into what mood i'm feeling."

"So basically black is bipolar like you." i joked and chase shoved me a little harder than i was ready for. I quickly stuck out my arm to save myself and i rolled my eyes at him for what felt like the twentieth time that night.

"I'm not bipolar i'm just moody, thank you." he began, "but also lavender. Lavender and black together is my absolute favorite color combination. The innocence and softness of the lavender compliment the black so well, if that explanation makes any sense, i'm just here to please you."

"That's a good explanation, i didn't take you for someone who allows softness in their life." he tilted his head, physically questioning what i meant, "you are so intimidating sometimes, chase. It's hard to believe you have a soft side."

"I mean i guess i do." he shrugged. He asked me about my favorite color and i told him it was pastel yellow because it reminded me of the spring and summer in florida where we lived until i was five. I wished i lived back in florida, my life felt so much more normal back then and my happiest memories were in the fields and beaches of florida. I also told him crimson was my second favorite, because it reminded me of how diverse delia was in her feelings and emotions. I remember always looking up to the way she composed herself when the life around her was truly difficult.

"What's your biggest fear?" he asked and i felt my cheeks growing red in embarrassment. My biggest fear was stupid and no one truly understood why i felt this way.

"Oh. well my biggest fear is being alone?" i quietly explained, changing the atmosphere of the conversation in one sentence.

"Alone as in alone in the world or physically being alone?" he asked and i mentally laughed at the fact that mine was the more radical of the two.

"Well, i feel a lot of people fear ending up alone in the world, so is that one of my fears?' i asked rhetorically. "Yes and no. somehow i feel i've already experienced the feeling of being alone and not having anyone, so while i fear that for my future, i've kind of already lived with that fear. My biggest fear is the physical version of it." i explained to him


"I can't go places alone. I am super independent at my house and in settings where i am working, but something about traveling place, even if its just to the bathroom, i freak out." i said which made him laugh hysterically.

"That's the stupidest thing i've ever hear." he said in between laughs which made every inch of my body turn red.

"No it isn't!" i said, my voice raising too many octaves in defense. "I just have a fear something could happen to me while i'm out alone and no one would ever know, does that make sense?"

"It makes sense but it's still stupid." he laughed, slapping his hand lightly on my knee and keeping it there.

"If its so stupid then let's hear what your biggest fear is." i responded, sounding like a smart ass.

"Dying without some kind of impact on the world." he said almost too quickly, changing the atmosphere of the conversation to playful and bubbly back to serious.

"Why's that?"

"I don't know. I think if i die without people knowing my name or not leaving some sort of legacy, good or bad, just scares the shit out of me. Just makes me feel like my life was pointless." he shrugged and i began to pick up on what he was saying.

"I don't agree." i said bluntly. "I don't think i'd be disappointed if no one knew who i was when i died. I want to die knowing i did everything i could to be happy and make the people around me happy, that's the only kind of impact i want to leave to be satisfied." i told and and we exchanged thoughts on the subject for what felt like hours.

I examined chases face as he talked and his eyes sparkled uncontrollably when he was passionate. He smile was so perfect and heart warming and his body brushed up against mine made the butterflies in my stomach flutter with dizziness. I wasn't even searching for something like this but i was way too thankful chase found me when he did.


here is the world famous late night ass pull chapter!!!!!!!!!!!! like i said in the last part, there probably wont be many updates this week so i tried to get one out early in the week for yall. also, i stole my biggest fear for aurora except mine is much worse because she is naturally independent but i am SO codependent its scary. like i need other people to function correctly. also also, this chapter was meant to have ore dialogue than description because they really are just having conversations lol. thank you so much for reading! vote and comment and message me because i need friendzzzz.


i like this song for this chapter because the main lyric is like 'just say whats on your mind' and thats basically all thats going on in this one. yes im getting lazy for these.

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