Author's note

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Hello everyone, I've seen a few videos of oikawa being depressed on YouTube and it just reminded with what I went through but also what my friends went through. So, this story is about oikawa being depressed and it's based how I felt when I was going through this hardship in my life.

Be warned, there will be self harming, cutting, blood and a rollercoaster of feelings.

I'm only going off my experience and my ways of coping with things, so, if you are depressed, please, tell someone, open up to someone and tell them how you're feeling.

There are many ways to help with this, I know that inflicting pain to yourself helps to cope with the feelings but it's not healthy.

If you are feeling like depression is taking over and you can't fight it, think about all of the good things that has happened in your life, think about the things that you enjoy doing or being with.

The way that I now cope with depression without being on meds (I don't want to be addicted to it) is that I keep on doing things that I enjoy, just focusing on the sport I like and my art, I keep myself away from negative people and allow myself to open up to my best friend that I have been friends with for 5 years, 6 years right now and still counting, she's been there for me and kept reminding me that I need to look after myself and that she allows herself to my pillar, my stone to keep me grounded.

Find someone like that to help you, for me, it's the best feeling to know that I'm not alone in this battle.

Anyway, I just want to say that this story is not suitable for sensitive people.

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