❤️ 1. Drunk mulligan

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(Eeeee this is my first chapter! I hope you like it :)) Also this is a modern au. And no smut in this one haha.

                 The revolutionary Set group chat: 5:39pm

Non-stop 📝 has logged on

Non-stop📝: hey do you guys want to come to the bar for a drink??

Hot pants🤪👖has logged on

Gay turtle boy 🐢 🌈 has logged on

Hot pants🤪👖 : what's the special occasion?

Hot pants🤪👖: and yeah sure


Gay turtle boy🐢🌈: hehe yeah, we are gonna be the cutest couple

Large baguette 🥖 🍟 has logged on

Large bagutte🥖🍟: I read your texts, toutes nos félicitations!

Non-stop📝:  thanks laf :)

Large baguette🥖🍟: and I'll come for a drink, anytime haha

Gay turtle boy🐢🌈: so we are all in??

Hot pants🤪👖: yup

Non-stop📝: see you there

Lafayette shut off his phone excitedly and pushed it into his pocket. The group hadn't gone out in ages and it was nice to see his ship was sailing. He had a while till he had to drive to the bar but he could hardly wait. His thick, chestnut brown curls bounced around, tangling and intertwining with each other, as he got up and strolled down to his room. He picked out some ripped blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a black jacket. He also decided to wear red converse. He looked very French in those colours. He checked himself up and down in the mirror before fiddling with his shirt and grabbing his keys. Tonight was going to be fun he thought. He checked his phone for one last time, scanning the screen to see if there were any new messages. He skipped out the house joyfully and got into the car.

Hercules' P.O.V

I arrived at the bar and scanned my surroundings, trying to find Alex, John and Lafayette. I don't  want to admit it but I'm most happy to reunite with Lafayette. Don't get me wrong, I love the gang and everyone apart of it are really close to me but, I didn't want to be the third wheel so it was nice that I get to talk to someone -drunkly- instead of awkwardly sitting there and watching John and Alex make out. Totally the reason. I totally didn't want to see laf because I had a minor crush on him ever since he moved from France to attend my college. Who am I kidding, I'm totally head over heels for this funny, French, fuckable mess of a man. Correction, hot mess. Boy the way he would giggle at a joke, a really bad joke that everyone would cringe at except for him. He would always lighten up the mood but know when to be serious and there for you, just to talk and have all your anxieties melt away. And that accent. I'm crazy for that accent. 

But, I don't know if he likes me back... and I'm afraid that If I do admit that I want to share my love with him he will turn me down and I will ruin our friendship. So, I'm not going to not unless I have a strong idea as to if he likes me back. I really hope he does or I-

"Hercules! There you are, come sit over here" I hear a mildly drunk voice holler my name. I spin  around, only to find Alex and John sitting at the bar, there arms wrapped around each other. I chuckle to myself about how drunk these two will get and have a seat next to John. They don't look too intoxicated but I can tell they are gonna have a rough morning tomorrow. 

"Hey guys!" I laugh and the other men dissolve into laughter, they don't even know what's funny they are just so drunk they will giggle for the sake of it. Oh boy. This is gonna be one heck of a night.

We make friendly conversation for a while, talking about our classes and what we wanna do when we are older. I look around worriedly an I realise that Laff isn't here. I turn to the drunk gay mess in front of me and question them, still in distress and concern

"H-hey, where's Laff?" I interrogated. What if Laff is hurt or worst? He said he would come but he not here. Is something wrong? My mind started to race and jump to conclusions. The boys were too drunk to understand me and all I got was a hiccup in response, thanks Alex.

Laffayette's P.O.V

Balencing pints of Sam Adam's I raced to find where John and Alex had been seated, I observed the bar, my eyes darting back and fourth, until I finally say Alex and John...oh and theres Herc! He must have arrived while I was ordering more drinks. A small smile crept across my face. At least I wasn't alone with the drunk love birds. I raced over to the squad, the amber beer spilling over the edge of the glasses as I rushed to greet Hercules and talk about what was happening in my life right now, and of course, asking for homework answers for sewing class. We had to make a dress and now we have to evaluate it for homework. I wasn't sure what some of the fancy tailor words meant so I was very deeply depending on Hercules for some of the answers.

I approached everyone, seating myself next to John. I looked to see Hercules, his expression worrisome and he looked like he was day dreaming, his conciusness lost in thought. I placed the glasses of beer on the small wooden table in front of us, quite loudly, which seems to have snapped mon ami out of his trans. 

"Herc, mon ami! How are you?!" i asked in my thick accent. His expression immediately changed from distraught and sadness to cheerfulness and high spirits. 

"Ahh laf, then you are. You had me worried" he remarked, with a hint of mom-friendness. His slight Irish accent shining through in some words. 

" I could tell" he laughed "Sorry, mon ami, I was getting more drinks."

Herc's POV

 I winced a bit at his first comment. Was it really that obvious? Damn. My cheeks felt hot from embarrassment so I downed one of the three drinks that Laf had gotten us, three because Laff wasn't gonna drink and was gonna drive us home or to his dorm. He could tell I was a little bit nervous when he spoke up again

"Thanks for worrying about me though" he smiled. Phew. He seemed happy and not uncomfortable. Thats good. 

"Will you two just *hic* kiss already?!" A very drunk John butted in. Lafayette looked down sheepishly, his cheeks getting pink in the process.

"Watch it freckles" I growled in a low, husky voice. The two boys just drunkly laughed.

"If your gonna mess with my boyfriend, your gonna have to *hic* mess with me" Alex put up his fists as if he was gonna fight me right here in the pub. 

Lafayette and I giggled to ourselves because of Alex's hostility and how he wanted to fight Hercules, even though I am so strong that I could snap Alex in half like a stick

An hour of drunk laughter and conversation later..

To be continued hehe

(That was my first ever oneshots thing. It's only part one but I'm excited about this one. It's a bit of a mess but I swear it will get better! Tell me what you think ^-^ I'm not gonna do smut for this first chapter but it might come later)


1272 words! :)

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