Chapter Six- After All These Years

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The two groups fought hard, but the Wild Ones were losing and the members of the Legion noticed that.

Andy killed another Shadow soldier, before looking at Ashley.


He looked at him.

“Get the Wild Ones out of here!”

Ashley gave a small nod of his head, before shouting orders for the Wild Ones to retreat.

The Wild Ones started doing what they were ordered and started running off to the direction of the camp, while the members of Legion stayed behind to fight off the rest of the Shadows.

Andy looked at the members of the Legion and saw that they were becoming exhausted.

He knew what he had to do.


The other four members of the Legion stopped fighting and looked at him.

“Get out of here!”

They looked at him like he was crazy.

“We’re not leaving you!”

“No, guys! Just get out of here!”

They had no choice but to listen to him.

He was the leader of the Legion after all.

They ran off, leaving Andy to fight alone.

Andy fought as hard as he could, but he was stating to become tired.

That’s when he decided that he needed to run.

This little battle was just a waste of their time and it killed more Wild Ones than freeing their fallen brethren.

When he saw his opportunity to run, he took it.

Three Shadow soldiers started going after him.


They stopped and looked at Lei.

Lei looked at Evelyn.

“Quick, Evelyn."

Evelyn gave a small nod of her head.

She started chasing after the leader of the Legion, leaving Lei with the Shadow soldiers and guards.


Andy kept running and occasionally glanced over his shoulder.

He quickened his pace when he saw Evelyn coming after him.

A small smile tugged at her lips.

She had to admit, he was fast but not fast enough.

Andy kept running, but paused for a moment when he came to the only plant life in the entire desert.

A small jungle that went on for twenty feet.

He looked behind him and saw that she was coming closer.

He turned his attention back to the jungle and rushed into the unknown.

He had to find a place to hide in the gruesome jungle.

Evelyn stopped when she came to the gruesome jungle.

She cautiously stepped into the unknown territory and started looking for the Wild One.

Andy’s senses were on alert when he heard her coming through.

If he was going to end it, he was going to end it now.

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