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Jordan's POV - College Flashback

"So, what exactly do you want me to pack in this box?" Asher asked as he opened different drawers from my dresser. "Does it matter if they're all mixed or do you want one box-"

Asher stopped when I gave him a look. "Seriously?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know why I asked," he chuckled as he started folding all sorts of clothes in the box. "Are you excited to leave?" Asher asked as I grabbed an empty box before going to my small closet.

"I just got drafted to the NFL. I'm going back home to play for the LA Rams. I should be thrilled, but I'm not," I paused for a couple of seconds. I grabbed a couple of shirts and folded them in the box. I let out a heavy sigh. "I would be able to enjoy this if Y/N hadn't broke up with me right afterwards. I wish Y/N would understand, ya know?"

"Can I be honest with you, dude?" Asher stopped folding my clothes and looked at me. I nodded, signaling him to continue. "You screwed up. Not her. Senior year you decided to take a full scholarship and play football for UT Austin. Y/N gave up her dream college to follow you here, because the both of you agreed and saw a future together. Now, in the middle of sophomore year you signed up for the NFL draft without talking to her about it. You're leaving, without her. That screwed up everything you two ever talked about. So, yeah, I don't blame her for not understanding and breaking up with you."

Tears welled up in my eyes. Asher was right. Y/N gave up everything to follow my college football career and now I was chasing my dream without her. It was going to be different not having her in my corner and supporting me every step of the way. Was it possible to live a life without her? Would the NFL give me everything I've been wanting in life? Is living my dream, proving I'm just as good as my dad and making him proud of me all worth it?

"You okay man?" Asher pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah," I cleared my throat, pushing back the tightness. "It's just hard, ya know? I don't blame her either."

"I think if you two had talked about it before signing up for the draft, she might have figured something out. She could have looked into transferring to UCLA before the deadline. Then, she would have been back in LA next semester and be closer to you. Who knows if you would have had time to be with her between all the practices, games, traveling. Or, you could have had a long distance relationship if she finished college here while you're in LA. Either way, you two would have figured out something if you had talked to her about it first."

I couldn't look at Asher because he was right and I wasn't ready to break down again. Y/N breaking up with me has been the hardest thing I had ever been through. I fought so hard and begged her not to break up with me, but she was hurt. I made a decision that would effect both of our lives without her.

I went back to packing up my things from my closet. I tossed some shirts, jackets, and hoodies in a box and took them to my bedroom. Asher grabbed the box and began folding my clothes I had toss in the box. I grabbed another empty box for my shoes when Asher cleared his throat.

"I know the timing is all wrong to bring this up, but I need to ask you something," he said nervously. His eyes were focused on folding my clothes. It was obvious whatever he needed to ask me wasn't going to be easy for him. He took a deep breath before his words escaped like vomit, "HowDoYouFeelAboutMeAskingYourSisterToMarryMe?"

My eyebrows shot up. We were just sophomores in college and Asher was already ready to marry Olivia. "Asher, you're already like a brother to me. I know how much my sister loves you and more importantly, I know and see how much you love her back. My parents love you too. You're already part of the family, ring or not." His shoulders relaxed as he let out a deep breath. I couldn't help but chuckle. "If this is you asking for my blessing, you have it."

Asher chuckled. "Thanks, man. I really appreciate it."

"Although, it's not me you should be worried about-"

"Oh, I know," Asher sighed. "I'm too scared to ask for Coach Baker's permission."

"He'll say yes, but not after he gives you a hard time and a long talk." Asher groaned knowing my dad would be giving him a serious coach-like speech. "It's his one and only baby girl. It's to be expected."

"I know," he nodded.

"So, do you have a ring? When are you gonna ask her? Where are you gonna propose? Does she know about this? Like have you two talked about this already?"

"Chill, bro," Asher raised a hand up as if telling me to pump the brakes. "Yes, Olivia and I have talked about it. I don't know when or where as I don't have a ring, because I was hoping you and your dad would help me pick one out for her the next time I go back home to visit."

It was hard to be happy and smile at him, because he was doing everything right. It's how I should have done things with Y/N.

Asher's phone rang and excused himself. I had no doubt it was my sister. With the empty box still in my hand, I walked back to my closet to finish packing. I sat on the floor and started tossing some shoes in the box. About halfway through, I spotted in the far back corner a pair of white Nikes with a hot pink check mark. It was the pair I bought for Y/N for her birthday to have in my dorm room. She spent a lot of her free time here with me and I thought it would be easier for her to have an extra pair of shoes here just in case.

The other day, I had Olivia come into my dorm and get rid of Y/N's clothes she left in the drawer I gave her as soon as I moved in here freshmen year. I had completely forgotten about these shoes and had I remembered, I would have told Olivia to get them out along with the rest of Y/N's stuff.

Without thinking, I pulled out my phone. I closed my eyes and silently prayed she would pick up the phone after each ring. Just when I was about to give up, she picked up, but she didn't say anything. She was quiet. It was obvious she wasn't planning on answering, but she did. She was interested in what I had to say.

"Hey... What's up?" I flenched, realizing how lame that was. I cleared my throat before I tried again. "I'm glad you picked up."

"I almost didn't," she said lowly.

"I know," I whispered. "I wouldn't have blamed you if you didn't, but I'm glad you did."

She was silent on the other end. I stayed quiet too. I had so many things I wanted to say, but I had no idea where to start or what to say. After my conversation with Asher and finding her Nikes, everything finally hit me. Y/N and I had been together since high school. Like Asher and Olivia, we had so much history and been through so much. It felt like we were giving up too soon. I wanted to fight for her. I had to. I wasn't gonna give up.

"Jordan, what do you want?" She sounded so cold. If she had answered the phone in that kind of tone, I would have assumed someone else had answered her phone. She didn't sound happy. She wasn't the joyful and cheerful Y/N I've known for years. And, it was all my fault. I needed a rewind button or a time machine to fix everything. To make things right. I can't let her go like this and she had to know.

"I can't stop thinking about you," I finally admitted. "I hate this, Y/N."

I heard her sniffle.

"I can't picture my life without you, Y/N. Nobody else, but you." My heart was thundering against my chest, hoping she would give me another chance. Her silence was really starting to worry me.

"You should have thought of that before you made that decision without me, Jordan. Please don't call me again. Goodbye." She hung up before I could say more, apologize, or tell her I love her one last time.

My heart shattered to pieces as tears slowly fell down my cheeks. She wasn't holding on to me or what we had. She didn't have any hope. Not like me. Although right now I feel like I have nothing left, I wasn't gonna give up. I would let her go and if by some miracle fate brings her back into my life, I would make damn sure I wouldn't screw it up again. It didn't matter how long it took. I'll wait for her.

Based On A True Story - Jordan Baker Mini-SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now