Chapter 1: A Night At The Bar

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AN: Even though Fenneko and Manumaru had a lot of chemistry there's really not a lot of them together, and I wanted to write something of them together. Their attitudes really work and they just seem like they'd be a fun couple :) I got the idea of Fenneko and Manumaru having a drink-off from the artist eiidolons.

Please be courteous and don't comment if you don't like a ship.

Fenneko hates mornings. It's made even worse that there is a mandatory 2 hour meeting today, and she couldn't blow it off.

She's had a long night of watching her and Retsuko's favorite drama and scouting the web for any kinds of interesting tidbits. She had something of an advantage over all her co-workers because of her sleuthing know how of monitoring all their social media.

If anyone made a slip up online...ha! She had leverage.

Just last week she'd dug up some dirt on Ookami, and for a month, she would blackmail him into doing her work. The deal? She wouldn't rat out that he was leaving work early to enjoy activities of another, more sensitive nature.


As she trudges down the hall headed for the staircase, a voice suddenly calls out to her.

"Hey, Fenneko!"

She turned around and was surprised to see a stocky feline hurrying towards her.

"Manumaru?" She asked, uncertain.

"Hey, hey!" Manumaru grins, raising one of his hands in a waving gesture. "Long time no see, Fenneko."

Fenneko smiles. The last time- and only time- she'd spent time with Manumaru had been a few weeks ago at a company mixer, but he was impossible to forget. Truth be told, he'd passed in her thoughts a few times lately- especially since she'd been so stressed out trying to make things work out with Retsuko and Haida.

"Not long enough," she says in her deadpan voice, but a smile tugging at her lips.

"Aw, don't do that!" Manumaru says, his loud voice pretending to be hurt. "And here I was, going out of my way to wish you a good day."

"You're really adorable when you scrunch up your face," Manumaru teases.

Fenneko blushes. Even though her meeting with the feline had been short, he'd left a strong impression on her. She had gone in to the mixer expecting it to be a complete disaster, but because of him, she'd found herself enjoying it.

"Singles parties are the best thing ever."

"So, what was it you wanted?" Fenneko asks, trying to hide her interest.

"Wanna go out with me tongiht?" He asks, plain and matter-of-factly. "Drinks are on me."

Fenneko pauses, shocked a little.

"Wow, that was direct," She says.

"Well I'm not one to beat around the bush," Manumaru says grinning. "So? What's your answer?"

Fenneko considers for a second. "As long as you're paying," she smirks.

"Alright!" He fistpumps. "I'll meet you right outside the building at the end of the day, then, Sanrio?"

Without waiting for an answer he turns and walks away grinning with his arms crossed.

Fenneko looks after him for a moment, confused for a second by the new nickname and feels a rush of excitement. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been on...a date. Was that what this was?

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