Chapter 3: Metal Karaoke

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AN: And here's the finale! I'm sure I'm not the only one who was a little crushed by the beginning of the special, but I think the ending definitely left us on a high note, and I'm still shipping Haida and Retsuko harder than ever!

Please be courteous, if you don't like a ship don't leave a comment :)

"Ok. Calm down. You can do this."

Retsuko stands at one of the bathroom sinks, her hands on either side of rim and breathing heavily. She'd had a very bad day, and even venting her lungs out in death metal in the back stall hadn't done much to abate her anger.

Retsuko shudders and looks into the mirror, and was surprised by how weary she looked.

"At the count of three...I'll be calm and ready to go back to work," she tells herself. Just got to tough it out.

There was only about thirty minutes until the day was finally over, and with strong resolve she leaves the bathroom, putting on her happy face to take on the last stretch.

She exits, and walks straight into someone's backside.

"Retsuko?" Haida exclaims, and he spins around to face her.

"Oh, Haida!" she yells, putting her hand over her heart. "You startled me. What are you doing here?"

She worries that perhaps the sounds of her voice had carried out into the hall.

"I-I just thought you might not be feeling well," Haida says, looking concerned. "You've been in there for a while. The boss was nosing around, looking for you..." He blushes a little.

"Probably wants to dump some more work on me," Retsuko sighs. "But thanks, Haida. I'm ok, now. Just a little stressed out, is all. You know how it is."

She starts walking back, and Haida comes off behind her, seeming anxious.

"Uh, well, is there anything I can do to help, Retsuko?" He asks, testing the waters carefully.

Many months had passed since Haida had revealed his feelings to Retsuko, but the rejection still hurt.

But then, just recently, Haida and Retsuko had spent the evening together on Christmas Eve, one of the most magical nights of the year. At first, the night seemed like it was going to lonely and miserable. But then they'd come across each other, almost like fate.

And for Haida, this had been a new ray of hope.

"I don't know," Retsuko said, and she walks into the office. "I usually have yoga to help me get it out, but I don't have it today. Maybe we can grab drinks with Fenneko."

She'd been hooked on Instagram lately, but even that was starting to lose its appeal for her. She'd become pretty popular almost overnight, but she'd been neglecting her real friends, just a little.

Haida nods, liking the idea. "Yeah!"

The day was finally over, and the office was busy with everyone hurrying to grab their things and get out before rush hour.

"Out for drinks?" Fenneko asks, a smile on her lips at Retsuko's question. "I think I'm busy tonight. Why don't you go, just the two of you? I'll take a raincheck." She gives Haida an encouraging look.

"W-well!" Haida exclaims nervously, turning at Retsuko.

Retsuko smiles. "I guess it's just us two."

Haida can't hide his excitement. "Oh....well, then...I'll show you to my car."

He and Retsuko take the elevator and are soon out in the parking lot. The skyline was a fantastic orange color, as the sun starts to set.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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