Chapter 36: Nightmare Days

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I was standing in the middle of the street beside Cody. We had blood covered knives in our hands, blood on our faces, and tears in our eyes.

We stood in front a white two story house with a red front door and a wraparound porch.

I looked at the knife and back at Cody, seeing a mist had formed in the short seconds of my glances.

I felt surrounded and trapped. Like I was being watched.

I looked out into the mist to see glowing red orbs looking back at me, tens of thousands popping up in the white veil.

I motion to Cody to go inside the house.

We walk up the porch slowly and open the door.

The entire inside of the house was pristine, not a single object out of place.

As soon as I shut the door, all hell broke loose.

Windows shattered, the walls caved in, and door flew open.

Zombies poured through the gaps, their red eyes fixed on us.

The drug me down and I slashed until I was completely pinned, the undead ripping flesh from my body.

Then, as I saw the light, I woke up.

I was clinging onto the bedspread so tight, I had ripped a hole in one of the sheets.

The dim light of the street light peeked in the window.

I let go of the sheets, breathing hard and sweating a cold sweat profusely.

The nightmare was so detailed, I thought it was real.

I got out of bed, a small bat in my hands as I walked down the hall to the kitchen.

I opened the fridge door and poured myself a glass of water.

After my midnight glass of water, I returned to my bedroom and fell back asleep.

I had a dream then that I was running through the streets of a city, zombies chasing me as I ran.

I carried only the small baseball bat with me, swinging at the random shambler as I ran down the street.

I ran as fast and as far as I could, until I reached a construction job.

I climbed up a ladder and onto some scaffolding, narrowly making my escape.

I had to jump down to the street again to keep going.

As I jumped down, I didn't see the rebar sticking up out of the ground.

I landed on the rebar, the steel flopping as I slid down further and further to my death.

I felt the warm blood rushing out of my body and the rebar jutting through my chest.

I woke up the next morning with a bad headache and a pain in my chest so bad I could hardly breathe.

As I sat up, the pain faded away into a distant memory.

I walked into the kitchen to find my brother and mom getting ready for school and work.

"Good morning sleepy head. Sleep well?" Asked Mom.

"Not at all.." I let my sentence trail off.

"Why not?" Asked Bob as he grabbed a snack pack from the fridge.

"Zombies man, Zombies. Had two terrible nightmares." I replied, running my fingers through my hair.

"Wow, two? You trying to set a record or something?" Laughed Mom.

"Not even close. Have a good day today guys, love y'all." I said as they walked out the door.

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