Chapter 37: Horde

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I walked outside with Wade to find the complex full of zombies.

Hundreds, if not thousands flooded the gates.

Must have been the gunfire.

The other boys had climbed the tower just in time, avoiding getting ripped to shreds by the rotters.

We may be able to survive the infection, but a group this size would rip anyone stupid enough to be caught in it to shreds.

I pulled Wade back inside and slammed the door behind us.

"What in the ever living hell dude? There weren't any fucking zombies out there five minutes ago and now we're trapped. The boys on the tower have it worse, its February dude and its cold as hell. What if we dont-" I cut him off with a swift look and a shush.

"Calm down. We're gonna be able to handle it. I have psychic abilities and we're immune to the virus, plus we have enough ammo and food here to survive a day or so. I always make sure Morgan and Bob pack enough food and ammo to survive three days. We'll be fine. We just have to slim their numbers. Now, we need to get to the roof, we'll be able to kill them more effectively. But our first priority is to barricade this floor and move all the equipment to the second floor and barricade it as well. You got me? You good?" I asked Wade as I looked him in the eyes.

"Yeah man, I'm good. Let's get this done." He replied.

I could see the fear in his eyes.

He didn't know that I was twice as scared as he was.

We grabbed all the food and ammo and tossed it into a duffle bag.

We slung the rifles onto our backs and checked all the magazines for the weapons we had.

I had two full drum mags for the Mamba and three mags for the 1911, not including the five mags for the M-4. Wade had his hunting rifle and a box or so of rounds.

I went upstairs to the second floor and made sure it was clear while Wade blocked the doors with a few crates.

I walk back downstairs to help Wade finish the barricades. We decided the refrigerator was pretty heavy so we moved it to the last entrance and filled it with books and lamps and whatever else we could find to make it heavier.

With the first flood covered, we blocked off the second floor in the same manner.

Once we were finally on the roof, we got a good realization of the shitstorm we were in the middle of.

There were about five hundred undead in the parking lot. And more on the way.

I was glad I sent Maria and McKinsey back to the settlement before hand but if Maria remembered my instructions, she would be back any minute.

I grabbed my radio and started to call her. "Maria, if you can hear me, stay at the camp. There's a ton of zombies here, its gonna take a while to clear them out. Stay safe and stay home."

The radio had nothing but static.

Wade closed the hatch to the roof. We had gotten lucky that the roof exit was a ladder, zombies can't climb very well.

There were two lawn chairs and a cooler beside a table near the edge of the roof. I walked over to the table and find a beautiful sight.

An L86 sniper rifle sat leaned up against the table. I picked it up and checked the magazine.


There was two boxes of shells for the rifle in the duffle bag, so Wade and I decided to use it.

I popped open the cooler lid to find a twelve back of bottles, still on ice and still cold.

I grab a beer, put down the duffle and grab the sniper rifle.

Wade and I sat on the roof for hours taking out the undead one by one, the other boys doing the same.

"We should make this a sport!" Laughed Wade.

"Hell, lets turn it into a game right now. Ten shots a piece. Headshots count as five points, body shots as one. You miss, you get no points." I said.

"Alright, alright. I'm down. What we using?" Asked Wade.

"The L86 of course. Two mags worth. You start. I'll keep track of your score through my ACOG." I replied with a smile on my face, handing him the rifle.

Boom! Body shot. 1 point.

Boom! Double headshot, ten points.

Boom! Miss.

Boom! Headshot. Five points.

Boom! Body shot. One point.

Wade was up to 17 points when he reloaded.

"You're turn dude, we'll swap back here in a second. I've gotta piss." He said handing me the rifle.

I got set up, the rifle was heavy but comfortable.



I looked down the scope and stilled myself for the shot, dropping my heart rate and waiting for the perfect moment.

At the very bottom of a deep breath, I pulled the hair trigger.

Bang! Three in one shot.

The three rotters flop to the ground, their heads blown clean off.

15 points already, and four more shots worth in the mag.

Just then, a massive explosion shakes the complex.

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