Chapter 2-

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as i walk towards the van, i hear my mother crying, "y/n, take care of yourself. make your mother proud. *hic*" mother's always a crybaby drunk.

i was jinja excited for this new daebak experience !! ;3 i step into the first van, i feel the piercing eyes on me and whispers and stifled giggles on me. "well she's obviously not a visual i mean look at her" a strong powerful voice said in the back of the van. everyone laid back and looked at the speaker. all eyes on her, including mine. she was just stunning. "w-who are you?" i managed to tremble out. "ha you never heard of me? i'm surprised. i'm *enter y/n's rival* " gasps start, gossip erupts, and then she pulls out her phone. "THE NEXT RISING TRAINEE..... WHO IS SHE?" said the dispatch article. "hey, *looks at clipboard* y/n! sit down the van is starting up"

i fluster and quickly try to find a seat. "i'm not sitting next to her, you move!" said a bunch of girls. *sigh* "i might just quit now. but my mother's depending on me". the van gets to the studio and i'm immediately shocked and a wave of nausea hits me. i realized "this is no joke i'll have to work 100%, give it my all. no struggle, no success." we all walk into the studio and we form a line and then i see the main attraction: nct. they look so much better irl omg, I thought to myself.
All of a sudden I feel an arm grab me. I turned around and saw Johnny's chaotic ass.

y/n joins nctWhere stories live. Discover now