Chapter 5

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Somehow we ended up in the ground, Rose on top of me. "Oh hey!" I said smiling. She probably thought I was stupid but I made her laugh so I joined. Her smile was beautiful and I felt the urge of kissing her. I tried to lean in but she got up immediately and left. She didn't even let me give her a ride back to the hotel. I probably shouldn't have tried to kiss her but it was hard to resist it. I know I just met her but I felt something the day we bumped into eachother. She's so wonderful and gorgeous. I want to get to know her much better and be there for her. She needs someone to protect her and I want to be that person. I wondered if I should text her just to make sure she was alright, but I didn't. I don't want to pressure her or anything so I'll wait for her to text me. I wonder why she reacted in such a way. Did I actually do something wrong..? I end up deciding that I should call her. I do but she seems to be in another call so I don't try again. I just hope she's safe.
Dylan: Hey cutie. Guess who's back?
I started panicking. How did he get my phone number? I changed it once he left. This isn't true. He doesn't know where I am because I don't live in LA anymore. My phone starts to ring. It's him. I freeze not sure of what to do. I have to be brave so I pick up the phone.
"W-what do you want?"
"I came back for you. You're still mine."
I could sense his smile over the phone. My breathing was getting heavier.
"I-I'm not yours. I never w-was." I said.
I realized I couldn't stop stuttering and I breathed in and out trying to calm myself. He doesn't know where you are Rose. It's fine. He doesn't know where you are.
"Oh, honey you're not escaping this time. I know where you are. I'm currently in New York but it won't be soon till I go to you. I called your parents last night and asked for you. They told me how you rebelled against them and left. *chuckles* You're in Canada"
He knows where I am. What am I suppose to do. Deny it? Move? I've got nowhere to go... I tell myself again that I have to be brave or at least pretend I am.
"You're not scaring me Dylan. Now you leave me alone because you're not hurting me again. You're never gonna hurt me, you hear that"
He starts laughing on the other side of the phone.
"Enjoy your peace for now. Keep in mind you'll be seeing me sooner than you think."
With that he hungs up and I'm crying again. There's a huge lump in my throat. I don't have anyone to keep me safe. I'm on my own. Lindsey is far away and there's nothing she can do from that far. I feel terrible. Another call comes in. It's Shawn this time. I don't want to answer him. Every  guy is the same. They pretend to be the sweetest and caring people but at the end... At the end they're just monsters. I wanted to give myself a chance to get to know Shawn but now I can't. I can't trust him or anyone. It's better if I keep myself away from him.
I tried calling again but she didn't respond. Im starting to get worried. Its been almost an hour since she left. Im going to check if she's back at the hotel. I grab a hoodie, my keys, and head off to the hotel she's in. It takes me no longer than 10 minutes to get there and I try calling her once more but she doesn't respond. I ask for Rose's number of the room she's in by saying im a close friend of hers. This was a really dumb excuse but surprisingly they give it to me. This place needs more security. I take the elevator and go to floor 13. I roam around the halls looking for room 24 and I'm finally there. I knock on the door and I get no response. My heart is beating fast so I call out her name. "Rose, are you in there?" "What do you want Shawn?" Why is she acting this way. I don't understand what I did. "Look, I just want to make sure you're fine. You left in a sudden and I worry about you. You didn't answer my calls nor texts and I -" The door opened and there she was. She was crying so badly that I wanted to just comfort her but I wasn't sure if it was the correct thing to do. "Im fine Shawn. Come in." She said. She clearly wasn't fine. Its clear that she's been going through something and I want to help her out. I want to help her get through this. She takes me by surprise when she hugs me. She hugs me tightly and I hug her back. It tears me to see her this way. I let her cry until she's done to ask her what's the problem. She wipes her tears off and says "Shawn, there's something I need to tell you." I don't know what she wants to tell me but whatever it is it looks serious. She looks terrified and all I can do is hug her again.

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