Chapter 6

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Someone was knocking on the door. I felt my heart stop for a few seconds thinking it was Dylan and I heard Shawn's voice. What is he doing here? He wants to know if I'm fine. He's making it hard for me. I decide to open the door because I just can't be mean to him. I need to believe in people again and if I don't try how will I suceed. I open the door and im a mess. He has a worried expression and I say "Im fine Shawn. Come in." I close the door and hug him immediately. I needed a hug so bad and it felt so comforting when he hugged me back. I keep crying leaving his shoulder soaked of my own tears. He doesn't seem to mind and he lets me finish off. I think I should tell him. Im scared to do it but if he came all the way here to make sure if I was alright says something. As I wipe my tears off I say "Shawn, there's something I need to tell you." He looks confused and worried at the same time but he leans in for another hug. I feel so safe when he hugs me. I tell him the whole story from beginning to end. How Dylan was the sweetest person that ended up being a horrible person. A monster. I tell him about his call a few moments ago. "Shawn, I'm scared. He knows where I am and he could be here anytime." I start crying again and look down. He slightly bring my head up, looks into my eyes and says "Rose, as long as I'm here that so called Dylan won't even put a single finger on you. I'm here to protect you. I promise." "Why are you doing this? I'm a total stranger to you and somehow you're here with me." I ask. He sighs and says "Look, maybe it's not the correct time to tell you this but..." "But?" I ask. "When we bumped into eachother just yesterday I felt something I hadn't felt before for someone. We spent some time today and I can't resist myself from thinking about how beautiful you actually are. You're funny and smart. Your smile, it drives me crazy. You're brave for telling me about this and after the few hours we've spent together I feel the need of being around you all the time. I want to help you out because it breaks me to see you this way, but I'll only stay if you let me." Something in his voice made me believe in him. I had to give him a chance. "I just don't deserve you. I have to admit I feel safe now that you're here with me but I don't want to risk your life. I don't know how much he's capable of." I sigh and he says "I'm not the one who matters here. You do. I don't care if he does anything to me as long as you're okay, I'm fine." I smile at and hug him when he says, "Everything is going to be alright Rose. I promise"

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