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It's a Saturday morning and it's raining, that meant it was going to be an extremely boring day. SpongeBob played loudly in the background as I shoved cereal in my mouth. As I was doing that, I went through my notifications that appeared over night, then I got a text from my friend Connie.

Connie: It's so boring here! Please come over!!

Maddie: Its 10:25 am. Too early

Connie: I don't care my little brother is driving me insane. I'll try to get Mariah, Kayla and Sabrina to come too

Maddie: But it's raining and my parents are at work

Connie: Then walk you lazy potato

Maddie: Fine be there in and hour

I locked my phone and finished the remainder of my cereal and walked up to my room ever so slowly after washing my dishes. When I got to my room I heard commotion coming from outside. I looked out my window and saw people moving in next door. Haha sucks to be them stuck outside in the rain, I laughed to myself. I put some music on as I went to my closet and just stood in front of it for who knows how long before I was able to pick my outfit for the day. After I changed and did my hair, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth while I danced with myself in the mirror. I didn't bother to put any makeup on because I knew the rain would just ruin it. I grabbed everything I needed then I made a quick note for my parents for in case I stay overnight, which was a pretty likely thing. But like they would care. I locked the door behind me and started walking into the rain.

Maddie: Ok on my way:)

Connie: Ok Mariah, Kayla, and Sabrina are coming too

"Umph," There was a loud thud as I ran into someone and we both fell to the ground, which caused a whole bunch of papers and other objects to fall in the puddles on the sidewalk. 

"I'm so sorry I should have watched where I was going," he said helping me up.

"No, it's understandable with all the boxes and all, I should have been more careful" I said looking at him. He was pretty cute. His hair spiked up slightly, brown eyes and holy moly, the amount of freckles on this boys face was heavenly.

"I'm Maddie" I said smiling.

"I'm Cameron" he said smiling back. We let a silence linger between us as we just stood in the rain. I let out an awkward cough before I spoke.

"Well Cameron I've got to go my friends are probably wondering where I am" I said. With a shy smile on his face he mumbled.

"Alright. See you later."

"Bye" I waved and started walking again.

By the time I got to Connie's house, I was soaked. I knocked on the door and all of the four girls faces popped up in the doorway.

"Hey uhh... I think I'm going to have to borrow some clothes" I said, rubbing my arms.

"And a towel" Mariah laughed. I glared at her and she stopped laughing.

"Can we do this before I freeze my butt off?" I asked. They all nodded and brought me inside. I shiver as I sat in Connie's bedroom, listening to my friends argue over what clothes to put me in. After finally deciding 10 minutes later, they finally threw some dry clothes at me and I hurried to the bathroom.

"Okay I feel a lot better" I said stepping out of the bathroom, putting my hands in the sweater. 

"Nice job on the outfit Mariah" Sabrina said hi-fiving her.

"Connie, where's your brother? You said that you were babysitting him?" I asked, looking at my friend who seemed too preoccupied with her phone. 

"Oh, I convinced his friend's mom to take him for the day," The sound of her phone locking followed the end of her sentence. 

"So what are we going to do?" Kayla asked. We all looked at each other.

"Boy talk" we said in unison, which all made us laugh. We went around our dysfunctional circle and took turns to talk about who we thought was hot or not.

When it came to me, I shifted myself into a more comfortable position and put my hands together, "Okay, so there is this on guy who moved next door to me" I start off.

"Hot or not?" Kayla asked.

"Definitely hot" I said "he has chocolate brown eyes, dark hair and wow, his freckles," I pretend to swoon and lay down on the floor.

"Well lucky you. You get to see that almost every day" Connie said with a jealous tone. I just laughed it off.

"You never know he may get to go to our school, did you get to find out how old he is?" Mariah said. I lifted my head to look at Connie who was smiling. I shot her a death look.

"DIBS," I shouted putting my finger on my nose "And no, I wasn't able to find out because we literally ran into each other and I didn't want to keep him from helping his family,"

"Okay, fine I won't bug him" Connie said soon after. A sudden tension filled the room and Kayla and Sabrina moved uncomfortably.  

"Let's go watch a movie and go order food or something" Sabrina said. We all mutually agreed and got up and went downstairs to raid Connie's DVDs. 


lmao sorry this sucks :)

The Boy Next Door - Cameron BoyceWhere stories live. Discover now