Griff knowing

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After I read the note, I started to feel.....somewhat human again. I shook it off and went to bed.  My dream was nothing.  I had no dream that night. Instead, I was solving a puzzle. A mind puzzle.

But little did I know, I was returning back to my human form.

When I awoke, I felt......better. I looked at my hands and almost cried in joy. They had my normal skin! I ran to my mirror and smiled happily. I was back to my human form! I then remembered,  I can eat again. I headed to the kitchen and heated up some Eggos. After I ate my breakfast,  I saw Nightmare.

I quickly turned to inkling and hid. After he walked past me, I swam out. As I rose I saw Griff.

Me: Uh oh....
Griff: Ashdroid?
Me: Umm......... .....COOKIEZ!

Griff walked over to me.

Griff: How did you do that?
Me: Instinct?
Griff: Are......Are you human again?
Me: Yes? Hehehe....

Why does Griff know?

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