october 1st

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dear yoongi,

so it's october now...my birthday month :D !

i wish i could be more excited about it...i am a little, just cuz it's on the weekend right before a break, and tae's gonna spend it with me. so it won't be as lonely.

but at the same time, it'll be the first birthday not spent with you. just like last march 9th was the first of your birthdays we didn't spend together. it was probably just you and your mom, wasn't it? unless you made a friend that quickly.

i hope your mother is being kind to you. i don't think i've said it before in a letter, but i hope you two have been getting along. i know it might not be the easiest, i mean you've told me how different she's acted since your parents divorced.

well, anyway, take care.

i miss you and love you more each day, yoongi.


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