february 14th

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dear yoongi,

so today i graduated my twelfth year with tae by my side. i wish i could write something a bit more detailed, tell you more about it, but i can't think properly right now.


he paid for my plane ticket.

the entire freaking thing. he told me all i need to do is get my passport, which apparently can be expedited and he's willing to help pay for that too since doing so can cost more.

i don't know what to do. i didn't know what to say to him, i was so freaking overwhelmed i just cried for an hour straight. i'm crying right now too so i'm sorry if some of this is smeared i'm such a mess...

it's like he's completely forgotten he planned to move back to daegu too. like he's completely forgotten he needs to pay for his own ticket.

no, he told me that he's willing to wait some time if it means sending me back home earlier.

i don't deserve him. i don't think i'll ever be able to express to him how much i appreciate him. even though he said the photo book did a pretty good job of that. and he did cry...but not as much as me.

so yoongi, if i haven't convinced you by this point what an amazing guy tae is then i never will.

he sacrificed his own hard work just to bring me back to you.

i'll be on that plane soon, yoongi.

i'll see you before the end of february.

wait for me.

i'm coming home.

i've never stopped missing you, yoongi.

not for a second.

your jimin

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