chapter one

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ㅡ 윈드플라워 ㅡ

dylan gets up the stairs then walks up to his floor and when he arrives infront of his apartment, he finds some boxes outside. "strange." dylan tells himself as he grabs the door knob and tuens it to find out that it isn't locked. dylan almost panics and immediately walks inside to check who's the intruder but finds the landlord sitting on one of the stools. "uhh, mr. takahashi?" dylan calls out to the landlord as he walks closer the middle-aged japanese man. mr. takahashi looks up from his papers and sees dylan then smiles "ahh dylan, sorry to intrude but i forgot to mention that someone already rented a room in your apartment." he tells dylan as he looks taken aback by mr. takahashi's statement. "s-someone is moving in? w-with me?" dylan asks as mr. takahashi nods, his smile growing wider. "oh, i'm also sorry that i forgot to tell you ahead of time." mr. takahashi apologizes to the younger for almost surprising him suddenly, "it's okay, mr. takahashi. so who's the new guy?" dylan asks the landlord again as puts down the bag that contained chips and drinks and he watches him get off the stool and walks over to him. "oh? he's inside. why don't you check on him tomorrow? he does need some kind of tour around the place." mr. takahashi says as dylan nods his head, he pats dylan's shoulder and makes his way to the door.

as dylan watches mr. takahashi go out of the door, he was standing for a minute or so to recover from what just happened awhile back. then suddenly, dylan is craving for more bread so he decides to make some homemade banana bread. dylan walks to the kitchen and opens a drawer to see if he still has the book he needs. "aha." dylan mumbles in satisfactory as he grabs out a reciepe book he bought, he flips through the pages to find the recipe for banana bread. as dylan finally finds it, he reads the steps and ingredients then smiles as sees that he has most of it.

dylan then starts following the steps on making the banana bread and as he finishes, he places the banana bread into the oven for it to bake. dylan checks his phone for the time and looks back at the oven, "i could spare some time." he hums out as he walks to get chips and a drink and goes inside his bedroom, sits down and sprawls himself on his bed. dylan opens the chips and drink, grabs his phone from his pocket and turns it on to open netflix and to binge watch "your lie in april", which is the anime he loves so much. as he finishes the 11th episode, dylan turns his phone off then proceeds to charge it. he lies down again then fixes his position so he could be more comfortable and as soon as he knew it, his eyes were already closing which causes him to fall asleep.

the next day: dylan wakes up with a groan then sits up while rubbing his eyes, he stands up from the bed and walks to the bathroom then into the shower. he turns it on and yelps because of the cold water (he later turns it into a hot setting) but still enjoyed it. he enjoys the refreshing water a bit more because it was their last day of break. as dylan finishes, he grabs a towel and dries himself before stepping out of the shower then walks back to his bedroom. before he walks inside, he then looks at the other room which was already occupied.  which also resulted to him bumping into a wall. dylan almost falls but manages to keep his balance, it did surprised him hut he's fine. dylan walks inside and opens his closet and gets some comfy clothes, he wears the clothes then went back to the kitchen to check on his bread. as he arrives in the kitchen he surprisingly sees the banana bread all sliced up for him. "seems like he ate some aswell." dylan tells himself as he gets a plate and places the remaining banana bread on it. he eats a piece of banana bread as he walks to the room where his roommate is staying and knocks, waiting for the door to open. his roommate didn't answer, so dylan tries again but still there was no responce. "strange" he tells himself as he knocks the third time, but no one answered again. dylan at first, hesistated on the idea but decides to go inside the room anyways. he grabs for the door knob and turns it  finding the door unlocked, which was really weird. he opens the door fully then walks inside, "hello? anybody here?" he calls out and sees something surprising him: a cat on the bed of his roommate.

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