chapter two

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ㅡ 너나해 ㅡ

dylan sits on the bed and carries the cat, "what are you doing here little guy?" dylan asks the cat knowing that he won't get a response. "you must be my roommate's cat, where is he anyways? also why would he leave an adorable kitten like you?" dylan asks the cat again as he cuddles him, yes dylan found out that it is a male cat. he then wonders if the cat has eaten yet, "did you eat little kitten?" dylan asks the cat as he carries the him and walks to the kitchen then checks the cupboards for some tuna. "where is it?" dylan asks himself as he sets the cat on the table, "i know i kept it inside these cabinets." dylan says out loud "well, somewhere i guess." he adds sheepishly as he pushes some cans around then smiles triumphantly as he finally finds a single can of tuna. he grabs the can then closes the cabinet as he checks some drawers for a can opener, dylan finds one then tries, keyword: tries, to open the can but was also successful at the end.

dylan opens the lower cabinet and grabs a plastic bowl (he considered having a dog at first but he knew this time it was useful) and pours the tuna onto the bowl, he sets the bowl on the table and watches the cat finish the whole thing. "i bet you're also thirsty." dylan tells the cat as he walks over to the refrigerator and opens it to get some milk. dylan brings the cat to the couch: gets his laptop which was already opened to netflix and puts it on 'kakegurui'. he was cuddling with the cat the whole time. dylan loves cuddling with anything because he loves having something warm against him. after watching two episodes, dylan was already feeling sleepy. he yawns making him place the cat on the cat and smile at him, "wait for me, okay? okay." dylan says to the cat still smiling as he stands up and walks to the shower. dylan removes his clothes then proceeds to shower, after showering he gets out of the shower and grabs his toothbrush and toothpaste then brushes his teeth. after that he grabs a towel and wraps it around his bottom half then hurries to his room to grab clothes. once he is inside his room, he grabs some pyjamas from his closet then changes into it, after changing clothes dylan walks out of his roon and back to the cat who is on the couch still watching. "hi kitten," dylan crouches down beside the couch and looks at the cat who is now staring at him, "dylan is sleepy and needs to sleep. we'll continue watching some other time." he tells the cat as he yawns again. he places both of his hands on the cats sides and stands up as he carries the cat, then they walk to his bedroom. dylan opens the door and walks inside as he closes the door again then walks over to his bed, dylan sets the cat on his bed and waits for him to get comfortable. after some while, dylan also lays down on his bed beside the cat who is already curled up as he places an arm over the cat and softly cuddles the cat. then after a minute or so, dylan finally sleeps as he was cuddling the cat. since dylan's hold wasn't that strong for the cat, he mamages to slip out of dylan's grip and walks out of the open window. the cat walks to the other open window of the living room and walks inside then makes his way to the other room.

the next day, dylan wakes up and shifts until he notices that the cat wasn't there. dylan groans and rubs his eyes in the process, he sits up from his bed then stands up and opens the door then walks out of his room. as dylan arrives in the living room, he looks around and sees a cute boy sitring on the couch with a cap on while watching something. dylan walks over to the boy on the couch and sits down beside him which made the cute boy look at him with wide eyes, "oh hey, you must be my roommate. i'm dylan and sorry for surprising you a bit." dylan introduces himself and apologises as he hands his roommate his hand for him to shake. "h-hello." the guy says shyly as he slowly brings his hand out and shakes dylan's hand. "hey, don't be shy. it's fine." dylan said squealing inside because the guy was cute. "what's your name?" dylan said making coffee and pancakes. "l-lord" lord said as he snuggled the pillow. "want some pancakes?" dylan asked bringing the hot pancakes, plates, syrup, and forks to the living room. "s-sure" lord said getting a plate, getting two pancakes, and putting syrup on it. "wanna watch something?" dylan asked turning on his tv which was connected to his laptop. "u-um, a-anything is f-fine" lord said eating his pancakes. dylan played 'to all the boys i've loved before' because he couldn't find anything. he liked the movie and was willing to wait for season two. dylan looked at lord, he was still hugging the pillow. dylan found it cute and liked the sight of it. "are you done with that?" dylan asked lord pointing at the plate he used. lord shyly nodded hiding his face in the pillow. dylan was squealing inside on how cute lord was being but he had to keep a straight face. he got the plates and walked to the kitchen, he put the dishes in the sink and washed them. he walked back to the couch and now saw the cat, he looked around unable to find lord anywhere. "i guess it's just you and me kitten" dylan said sitting down on the couch and placing the kitten on his lap. dylan stroked the cat's fur as he watched the last few episodes of "umbrella academy". dylan felt a little sleepy and started to doze off, lying down on the couch barely opening his eyes anymore while cuddling the cat. when dylan was finally asleep, the cat got out of dylan's grip and went into lord's room. the cat then transformed into human and slept in the bed.

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