(2) Rebirth Part 1

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That's all what Lynn Loud Jr. woke to. 

A pure black void of nothing.

She looked around, panicking at the unfamiliar site and place she was in.

Where was she? Was she in hell? The void? Limbo?!

All of those came to a very hard maybe. She looked around some more, looking for anything to go to.

Nothing. What a shame.

Lynn: What happened? Wait... 

Lynn thought about what had happened before she just showed up here. They were lost in the woods, climbed over a fence and accidentally fell into a hole and Lisa ran off to get some help, a weird spinning machine came down into the hole and began to spin and... Luna, Lana, Lincoln, and her just turned into nothing.

Lynn: Crap. I am dead aren't I? *Sigh... I'll just wait and see if I go someplace. I could go for a sub right now.

Lynn rubbed her large stomach in hunger as she dozed off for a nap. She smiled at the thought of meeting her siblings again. It made her sad she didn't get to say goodbye.

As Lynn woke up, a sudden wave of heat surrounded her like a hot summer day. She quickly broke out into a sweat and began to fan her face with her hand.

Lynn: Who turned up the heat?! Jeez it's hot in here!


Lynn: H-HUH?!

Lynn looked down and saw her legs were on fire and was crawling up her body.


Lynn tried to swat away the fire but all it did was phase through her hands. Soon, her whole body was on fire. She tried to scream, but nothing came out with all she could do was watch in pain.

Suddenly, the fire began to just move off of her and form into a big cloud of fire. The cloud began to grow smaller as the fire was moving in on itself and making it hotter. Lynn watched in awe as the fire eventually turned blue.

Lynn: W-what is going on?! And why is it so cool looking!

???: Cool? Honey, you should call me hot! 

Lynn: What?! Who.. Who said that?! What do you want from me?!

???: Lynn. I just need to talk for a bit. That's all!

Lynn: Show yourself! Now!!

???: Hehehe.. Alright. But don't be scared ya hear me?

Lynn: Yeah sure.

The cloud of fire began to change shape and size, forming into a large human like shape. It started to glow a vibrant white and flashed! Making Lynn turn her eyes away. She looked back to see a large brunette woman with blue baggy jeans, a white shirt that hugged her large curves and very long brown hair that was on fire at the end of her pony tail.

Lynn: W-who... who are you?!

???: I'm you dummy! Well, a form that's just you as an adult of course but still you!

Lynn: M-me?!  F-form?!

Lynn took a close look at the other Lynn.

Lynn: So I don't lose the weight?

Lynn2: Sadly not. You'll make a powerhouse of a football player though.

Lynn: I'll take what I can get. Anyway, why am I in this... void? 

Elemental Loudness (Indefinite Hiatus)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang