3 (Rebirth part 2)

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Darkness was all that Lana Loud woke up. A void of nothing.

Lana: W-where... where am I?!

She looked around but yet, nothing was found. Nothing but the darkness that uneases her. She tried to remember what had happened, why she was even here but nothing came to her mind. All she could think of was to try and think of a way to get out of this nightmare.

Though, it seemed that the only thing of interest in this place was her of all things.

Lana: *Sigh... Guess I should wait for something. No harm in that right? Just wish there was something to keep me occupi-GAH!!!!!!

A sharp pain hit Lana's head like an awful migraine. Memories rushed to her head as she remembered everything that had happened.

The trip to the forest, going over the chain fence and falling into the large hole.

Every single detail she remembered.

Lana wasn't asleep or dreaming.

She was dead.

Lana: N-No!! This... this can't be happening! I... I can't be dead! I.. I'm sure I'm ok! The others are too! It's just a bad-

Lana blacked out once more. Soon she opened her eyes to see she had woken up on a flat grassy plain with nothing in sight.

It was endless along with the pitch black sky. Even though the moon or Sun was nowhere in sight, the area was surprisingly lit with no hint of darkness.

This was getting weirder and weirder for Lana who started to walk in a random direction, hoping she would find someone that could give her some help of any kind, even if this place lacked any life from what Lana could concur. But, she trudged on through with determination!

- A few hours later -

Lana: Huff... ugh.. how much longer.. will I have to keep.. walking?

The chubby Loud fell to the ground exhausted. Was she doomed to be stuck in this endless, flat purgatory? Would she even be able to see her siblings once again?

Lana: No.. It.. be... 

Lana slowly got back up again, her legs wobbled as they were sore to the bone. But she needed to keep going. She had to!

She continued her walk only to plant face first in a sudden rock. Lana backed away in confusion to see it wasn't a rock she bumped in to. No, it was a pedestal with a human sized statue! Lana looked in awe at the sudden appearance of the work of art, taking in every detail of the statue on top.

Lana: It's.. me? Wait, what the heck is some stone statue of me being doing out here?

???: Reasons you wouldn't understand..

Lana: Huh?! What.. who's there?!

The raspy voice chuckled, letting Lana trace the sound back to the statue which was laughing like it made a joke.

Lana: GAH!!!! WHAT ARE YOU?!

???: You still haven't recognized me, Lana Loud? I'm you!

The statue jumped high into the air, changing and morphing until it landed back on the ground with a new look.

Lana: W-what the..

She looked like a 17 year old girl. Sporting a slightly chubby figure with more weight in the legs.  Long dirty blonde pigtails reached to her ankles with a red cap with little shiny planet pins. A black and blue shirt with some dirt stains and fancy jeweled armbands with some dirty blue jeans.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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