Part 22

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I took him to my room and sat him down. "M-my"-B I took a deep breath and cleared my  throat "My dad is actually in jail"-B "So.. my dad was in jail once"-J "Why?"-B "Oh he did some drug dealing not that crazy"-j "Well my dad- my dad is a serial killer.. he didn't die he's in jail I'm not meant to tell anyone.."-B "Oh.."-J. He became silent and didn't look at me. I knew it! I knew it! He doesn't like me anymore "I-I-if you don't wanna be my boyfriend o-or my friend i-I uh understand.."-B he grabbed my hand and held it tight pulling me close "You do not follow in your fathers foot steps he just did bad things and you happened to me be related to it"-J I smiled and held his face. I  kissed him before pulling away. I looked at him and smiled. He pinned me down on the bed and I started to giggle.
(Y'all know what happens next. If you want me to like "act out" their sex scenes I can just comment lol back to the story)

We laid down in my bed in each other's arms (naked obviously) I stroked my head then pulled the covers over us. "Juggie.."-B "Yes my love?"-J "I love you.. and I promise not to do any bullshit ever again like I did"-B I sat up and I did the same wrapping the duvet around my chest. "I love you too.. buut Speaking Of promise I got something"-J he picked up his jacket from the floor and reached in the pocket and pulled out a small box. Then he opened the box to show my birth stone on a sparkling ring. "A promise ring."-J. I smiled brightly and took the ring out of the box "It's beautiful baby"-B "I uh had for a while I just never knew when the right time was.. but-"-J "But now is the perfect time"-B. He put the ring on my right hand. And I looked up at him then down at the ring. "It's a perfect fit"-B. I said snuggling back into his arms "So even when we're fuc-"-J I kissed him instead of covering his mouth. "Forsythe Pendleton Jones!"-B I giggled and he smirked at me "You know my full name. You forgot the Forsythe Pendleton Jones the third! Part"-J "I didn't forget it, it's just so extra to say all of it"-B "Suuuuuree"-J I rolled my eyes and sat up "Nooo dont Get upppp"-J I looked at him "I was gonna make cookies bu-"-B "Say no more"-J I laughed and grabbed my bra and panties. "The next best things after you is food"-J I grabbed my clothes from the floor and got dressed. Jug did the same. I put my hair up and want downstairs.
I got out a baking pan and ingredients for the cookies. "My little cooking queen"-J "Baking Queen I'm not that well at making food"-B "Probably better than me."-J  I started to mix what I had put in the bowl. He then went behind me and grabbed my waist. "I feel like a married couple"-B I said giggling and making the dough into cookies. "We will"-J "Maybe In four years"-B "Four- Years?!"-J "I wanted to marry you now!"-J he said teasingly but secretly wanting to deep down. "We've been dating for a few months. Almost a year. You just gave me a promise ring.. maybe in 2 years we can get married"-B I then put the cookies into the stove as Jug sat down and I sat on his lap wrapping my arms around him giving small kisses all over his face. "If we had a kid what would their name be?"-J "Boy or girl?"-B "Uh boy then girl"-J "Well they'd have your name obviously! And I would too cause personally I think jones is a pretty good last name"-B "But maybe for a boy.. Maybe Liam.. or uh James. But for a girl-"-B "Juliet"-*said together* I giggled and he started laughing. "Oh my gosh I guess if we have a girl we know what to name her"-B
I kissed him softly and slowly then my timer rang for the cookies. I got of his lap and took the cookies out of the stove and tried to pick one up but it was too hot. "Who would've thought cookies coming out of a hot stove would be hot."-J "Oh shut up"-B he got up and took my hands. I looked at him confused. He then kissed fingers that I touched with the hot cookie.
I then kissed him once until he picked me up and put me on the counter. He then got milk out and poured it into a glass "milk + cookies =perfect duo me + you= perfect duo.."-J I rolled my eyes but then started to laugh and smile.. I couldn't control my happy emotions..

We sat on the couch again snuggled in each other's arms, wrapped in a blanket ,watching a romance movie,and  eating cookies. What is better then that!

I'm in love. I'm definitely in love. And I'm never leaving him again.

( sorry this was short but it's just so much cuteness and pure ness I just couldn't make it longer. I wrote this like it's the last part but it's not I have many more chapters ahead :) Vote and comment love you guys hope your likening the story!!!)

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