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They say she's all that you need

Gold grains stretch from corner to corner

Blue smiles and sunny glow.

They say I need her. So I think I need her.

I am greeted by her warm embrace

We build our sandcastles up to the stars

Collecting shells and placing them upon our topaz palaces

Our very own fortress

But I'm locked out.

And the defenders have begun their attack

The whelks are being fired. Cuts. Rips.

I sit in my shell with a chip on my shoulder

Salty tears and bitter as vinegar

I wonder...

Did she ever care about me?

She said "I love your eyes!" because they faced her direction

"I love your hair!" because I was hers to push and twist and snap

"I love your hands!" because they were hers to use to control and inscript

Hers to build her castle and her throne.

I still shiver when I think of those hideous memories.

The burning glow.

A blue snicker at my embarrassment.

Strangling me but the spectators only see a hug

The more I caved in, the more she spread out.

Taking the space I hadn't used.

And no matter how hard I try

to wash to my arms and legs

filter the fibres of all my towels

Those small yellow grains are still everywhere.

They'll tell you about the wonders of the beach

but never about the sand that always stays behind.

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