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" I want you to join the Authority. "  Stephanie folded her hands in front of her at the desk then smiled.

I stared at her blankly, " Annnd how would this benefit me? " I asked curiously. I know it was wrong but I am so sick of Brie's shit. 

Stephanie leaned forward and began to tell me what's supposed to happen at the next Pay Per View which was Summerslam, I smirked at all the things she was saying.. they were exactly what I wanted to do Brie.

" Is that okay? " She asked, causing me to be pulled from my thoughts. I nodded in reply. " Have a nice night, Nicole. " She said.. emphasizing the last part, I got up and walked out of the office confidently. Finally Brianna would feel exactly how I've been feeling for the past couple of weeks. I giggled silently to myself as I thought of the pain she would feel. 

A taller figure bumped into me causing me to fall onto the ground. I looked up and met the cold gaze of Mr. Money In The Bank, Seth Rollins.

" Oh, I'm sorry.. " I mumbled while getting up and dusting myself off, then I started to walk away. 

" Wait! Nicole, I've been looking for you! " He called after me, causing me to stop in my tracks. 

I walked back in his direction, " Uh.. yes? " I asked then looked up at him. God he was absolutely gorgeous, his scruffy beard covered half of his face and his two-toned locks glistened in the light.. don't get me started about that smirk he has. What? stop it Nikki you have a boyfriend! 

" So, I heard you were interested in joining the Authority.. " He said then smirked.

I looked around the corridor, it was empty. " That wasn't supposed to come out until Summerslam, shit goes around quickly. " I mumbled then crossed my arms.. causing him to chuckle. " Is that all you wanted from me Mr. Rollins? " I half-smiled.

He stooped down to my level to that he was inches away from my lips, " If you do consider.. " He trailed then grabbed my hand. " We'd be the perfect power couple. "  he said, kissed my hand softly, then strutted away.. leaving me completely breathless.

Jesus, what the hell was happening to me today? 

I attempted to gain my composure enough to get to my lockeroom to pack my stuff for the hotel. When I was done, I got into my rental and drove off to the hotel .. with Seth on my mind. 


I got into my hotel room and set my suitcase down on the bed, I didn't do much today but it was stressful. I put my hair into a top knot then changed into my pajamas, I was in the middle of brushing my teeth when my phone buzzed. 

..Hey babe. - John.

BABY! c: I missed you today! - Nikki.

..yeah, feelings mutual. - John.

Uh? What's wrong? .. - Nikki.

.. Look I'm just going to get straight to the point, we can't be together anymore Nikki. - John.

B-but why? John I thought you loved me. - Nikki.

I do, please just don't make this harder than it already is. - John.

I closed my phone and started to cry, I cannot believe him. We were in love, he was my everything. When Brie left, he understood.. now he's all gone. I sobbed quietly in my pillow until an unexpected slumber took over.


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