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The Next Day. 

The bright sunlight shined through the windows causing me to squint at my surroundings. Today wasn't the best day for me but hey, shit happens. It was only a week before I was about to make the biggest decision of my life, and I'm proud of myself for it. Everyone may have left me but that doesn't mean I'm completely broken. Everyone is in for a rude awakening, and that's the evolution of fearless Nikki. 

I slid out of bed and strolled into the bathroom to change into my gym clothes, working out was a must for me every morning.. cannot function without it. I stripped out of my pajamas and put on my workout gear ; which consisted of a sports bra, jogging pants, and some sneakers. As I was making my way out of the hotel room, my phone buzzed. 

Unknown Number - " Hey Nikki, I'm at the gym.. want to join? ;) "

I thought of possible people that I could've given my number to, no one came to mind. I just decided to reply back anyways,

" Um.. who is this? "

" Seth. " 

I smiled." Oh hey Rollins, I'll be down in ten.. xx " 

" Okay, can't wait to see you. " 

I closed my phone and made my way towards the elevator, I had this weird feeling in my stomach that scared me a little. I haven't gotten this feeling in my stomach since John, god I miss him already. 

I got out of the elevator and made my way towards the gym, it was fairly empty but I still got stares.. It's whatever. 

I saw Seth with his bare back turned lifting weights, I tried to resist the urge to drool. ( *dies* )

" Hey Rollins. " I spoke up, causing him to take out his headphones and smirk at me. 

" Hey Nicole, you look .. nice. " He stated while checking me out. 

" Don't get ahead of yourself Rollins. "  I warned playfully then began to do squats.

He chuckled. " So why are you even up so early? I thought I would be the only one in here. " I stated then looked at him. 

" You're not the only one who likes to get a morning workout in before they go slay the entire show tonight. " He stated then brushed his shoulder off jokingly, causing me to giggle. 

" Whatever.. " I said while rolling my eyes playfully. 

We did various workouts for about 2 hours, when we finished we were drenched in sweat. 

" So.. I was wondering.. " Seth trailed. 

" Continue Rollins, " I interrupted then giggled.

" After the show, do you wanna like.. hang out or something? " He said then scratched the back of his neck out of embarrassment, it was cute.

I was about to say something when I saw John.. out of the corner of my eye. He exchanged the same look at me then continued to workout. 

" I would love to.. " I smiled and kissed his cheek. " See you later Rollins. " I said then walked away.


I locked up with Alicia after a 5 minute brawl and threw her over my shoulder, I was about to put her into the Rack Attack but she squirmed out and hit me with a neckbreaker. I laid there on the mat and she went for the pin, 



I kicked out, I admit I wasn't on my A game tonight. I had so much to think about, especially John. 

She yanked me up by my hair and slapped me hard, causing the crowd to boo. I smirked at her then conquered her with an unexpected Bella Buster. 





" And your winner is.. Nikki Bella! " Lillian screeched through the microphone while the referee raised my hand in victory. 

I took the mic from her and smirked at the crowd. " Stay fearless. " I stated, dropped the mic then made my way backstage. 

While I was making my way to my lockerroom, I was stopped by Renee Young. 

" Hey Nikk- " 

" Get that damn camera out of my face. " I said then continued to walk. 

" Hey Nicole, " a voice I've grown to despise spoke.

" What do you want Brie? " I asked, growing annoyed. 

She gasped. " Whaaat? I cannot congratulate my older sister? " She asked. 

I shook my head at her and pushed past her, making sure to brush my shoulder past hers, I wasn't in the mood for her shit. 

I went into my lockerroom and began to strip down for a shower. Twenty minutes later I got out and put on my lingerie and a short black dress with some heels, I straightened my hair and styled it and applied some make-up. I put on the last of my red lipstick and smiled at my reflection, damn Nikki you fine! 

I grabbed my clutch and phone and walked out of the lockerroom and into the parking lot. I threw my gym bag into the trunk of the SUV and drove to my destination. 

I pulled up to the restaurant and parked my car, it was beautiful. I walked inside and saw Seth, he looked up at me and was stunned. I giggled and strutted over to the table and sat across from him, " Like what you see Rollins? " 

" Uh.. a little bit. " He said then smirked, causing me to shake my head. 

" It is really sweet of you to do all of this, for the first date.. " I said, clearly astonished by the restaurant. 

" Anything for you, love. " He said softly.

My cheeks turned a dark intense color red, he must've noticed because he chuckled lightly.

We ordered our food and had great conversation, turns out we had a lot in common.. who knew? I don't fall for people this easily but I must say it was a pleasant change from what I've had in the past. Seth isn't what he is on camera, he's actually sweet and sensitive with a cocky flare. People don't really get the chance to get to know him because they're too busy hating him for god knows what, he's a damn heel for fucks sake.. get over it. 

Once we finished dinner we left the restaurant and he walked me to my car. 

" I had a wonderful time Seth, thank you. " I beamed then smiled up at him, I've never noticed how beautiful his eyes were under moonlight.

He leaned down close to my face. " Maybe we could.. do this again. " He stated then began to play with his fingers.

I giggled. " That'd be nice. " I said. " Goodnight Seth. "  I said then began to open my car door. 

He turned me around and crashed his lips into mine, I instinctive wrapped my arms around his neck and started kissing back. After a few minutes, we pulled away and looked at eachother breathlessly. 

" Call me Colby, " He stated, winked then walked away cockily. 

I giggled and blushed intensely then got into my car, I started hitting on the steering wheel and broke out into a victory dance. 

" Yaaaas. " I screeched then started my car and drove off. " Seth Rollins.. " I trailed.

I haven't felt like this in ages. 


SUPER DUPER LONG UPDATE! LOVE ME! *twerks* ♥ Comment and Vote c: 


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