Chapter 1: Card Games and Duo Rehearsal

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Audition day.

I wait in line patiently, signing in my name once I make it to the front. There are so many people here... and I'll make sure to be the best. We all are auditioning for the same musical: Pirates of Penzance.

I had played in it in high school as one of the policemen, and I'm excited about the chance to play in it again since it is one of my favorite plays. As I examine the competition, a lump forms in my throat.

I pull out a mirror and re-apply my lipstick and touch up my hair. I take a couple of deep breaths and feel my confidence come back. I put the mirror away and wait for my name to be called.

I meet with some of the other people auditioning, picking up their phone numbers while waiting. There is one man in particular who I give my number to that sticks out. He has vibrant red eyes and long, silver hair. He stays in my mind even when I chat with the others auditioning.

"Next, MC," a tired-sounding man says from the other end of the room. I stand up and walk to the door with my sheet music for the accompanist. I shake the director's hand, and pass the sheet music to the accompanist, with the measures I need her to play marked for her.

I walk to the stage, stand center downstage, facing the director, and wait for instruction.

The director cues the pianist, and I begin singing a passage from Regina Spektor's "Eet," getting lost in the music, tapping my toe inside my shoe to the beat.

The rest of the audition goes smoothly. I am very confident in my skill. I leave the theater and get into my car to drive home, anxiously waiting for cast results.

A week later, I check the official website, anxiously searching for the cast list. I decide to read it bottom up when I find it, looking at the minor roles before the major roles.

Slowly, I read the cast list. Not seeing my name anywhere towards the bottom, I checked the lead roles, scared I didn't make the cut.

There it is. I made it as Mabel! My heart jumps with excitement. I scan the cast list again, barely believing my eyes. I pinch my arm - it's real!

Immediately after I begin to calm down, I receive a phone call from someone I had met at the auditions. Zen.


"Hello, ah... were you cast as Mabel for Pirates of Penzance?" I hear a nervous voice on the other end.

"Yes! That's me," I say, unable to help my grin. Hearing someone else say that I had gotten the role made it feel all the more real. "My name is MC. I'm assuming you're Zen?"

"Haha, that's me!" He says, excitement in his voice. "Look, I like to get to know my fellow actors before the show, and I was wondering if you would like to hang out sometime?"

Very forward. "Ah... sure," I say. "If you'd like, you could come over to my place? We could get a head start on the lines. I am free anytime until the play starts - I like to focus on one production at a time."

"Of course," he says, calmer than before. "Anytime you would like to meet, I would be happy to see you."

"I'll text you my information in a bit," I say.

"Mmhm. Talk to you then!"

We say our goodbyes. I pull out my laptop and do a bit of research on Zen. I type his name into the search engine to see a Wikipedia page on him. I read through and get a general idea of what he is like and of his past and such. I decide he is safe enough to invite over, and I text him my address.

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