You gotta love kittys

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Error POV
"Ow! Would you stop biting me for one second?!" I yelled.
Kitty does not oblige, scratching my face again. I hold kitty far far away from my face. Stupid kitty. I'm so getting you back for that.
Cats hate water right?
I bring kitty into the bathroom drawing a cold bath tub. Then I ruthlessly dunk  kitty in.
"Meow!" Kitty screeched as it splashed around trying to get out. I have to admit it was pretty funny.
"Stay there kitty. I have to attend to something." I said pulling off my jacket. I checked out my injury's. Two broken ribs on the left side of my chest. Wow, Ink really did a number on me. He must of been pretty mad. I blushed, remembering the look on his face as his rainbow colored soul splashed when my strings tightened around him. I didn't think—I didn't know he would respond like that! Is he into BDSM or something? What a freak!
"Your not creepy like that are you, kitty?" I asked.
Kitty looked at me like The fuck, man?
"Yeah, I didn't think so ether."
I summoned  some blue string and stabilized my broken ribs. It looked pretty pathetic. Kinda like two blue thick rubber bands covering my ribs. Oh, well. As long as my ribs hold it's fine.
Kitty started splashing frantically. Screeching angrily. I turned around.
..huh? What's that? I picked it up. It a bottle shampoo? When did this get here? I swear to god I never had cat shampoo before.
I looked back at kitty.
"Your full of mysteries aren't you,kitty?"

Worst day of my life. Not only am I a kitten, I'm in my enemy's bathroom! And he friggen ducked me in cold water!
....Wait, what the?
Its that creepy fan girl that turned me into a cat! Is shampoo? Oh, no. No. No,no,no,no! Don't you dare!
I tried to claw her face, bite her, any kind of bodily harm but thanks to her I'm too small to reach her!
She smiles at me with that insane 'I just binged a life times worth of siiiinnnnnnn' look. She put her index finger too her mouth.
No! You get back here and turn me back into a skeleton right now!
Is what I wanted to say, but all I managed was
"Meow! Meow! Meow!"
Which caused error to turn around. He looked at the cat shampoo, puzzled. Then he looked back at me.
"Your full of mysteries aren't you, kitty?" He said.
Do he really think I can magically summon cat shampoo? Are you that stupid, error? Ya dingus.
But then I looked down. Oh, wow. His ribs really were broken. Ouch, that looks painful. I almost felt sorry that I did that to him. Error followed my gaze down.
"Heh, looks pretty gross, huh? This guy called Ink did this. He's a little shit."
I am not!!!
"To be honest though it was kinda my fault. I was destroying his stuff again."
Yes, you were. Jackass.
Error blushed. "When I tied him down and wrapped strings around his soul he did—he was—" Error cut off. His face a blushing mess.
What the heck? Since when does Error act like a school girl?
"Never mind. Forget about it, kitty. How about a bath?"
How about you go fuck yourself?
Error took some shampoo from the bottle. I scooted as far away as I could and hissed. Don't you dare!
"Come here, kitty~" He said as his hands closed in on me.
No! Gah! Don't touch me there, pervert! Get your hands off me!
I hissed and clawed, but nothing seemed to work. He started rubbing my head softly. I hate to admit it but it felt amazing. I never knew Error—my arch nemesis, Error—could be so gentle. I soon found myself purring into his hands.
"Awwww! You so cute kitty!" He coxed.
He slid his hands down my back, rubbing softly. Mmmn, sooo nice.
Then down my legs, then up my cute kitty tummy. I familiar feeling hit me. The same feeling of when my soul was tangled up in those horrible strings! Don't cats get there tummy's rubbed when there in heat? Oh, god no! Fuck no! Not again!
"Get your slimey nasty hands off me you perv!" I yelled. Wait....My voice is back! I looked down.
Yes! I was a skeleton again!
But then I realized I was one hundred and ten persent naked.
"AaaaaaHaaaAhhhhhhhhhHHhhhhhhHH" I screamed! Which caused Error to scream too.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!" We both screamed at each others faces. Error looked down at my naked body.
I immediately punched him in the gut.
"お前はもう死んでる" I yelled.
"なに!" He yelled back.
"It means your dead to me and I hate chu!!"
"Me?! You pretend to be my cat!" He yelled then gasped. "Did you put the cat shampoo there to trick me into this?! Was it arousing for you? Gross!" He yelled wiping the shampoo on his pants.
I took the shampoo off my head and threw it at him.
"As if anything you could do would be arousing!"
"Which is why you covered my strings in your nasty soul juice?"
I blushed.
"It wasn't like that you asshole!"
"Oh? Then what was it like then?" He said sarcastically.
"Whatever!" I yelled lamely and teleported away.

Little did Ink know...some thing far worse was about to happen by the hands of the creepy fan girl narrator....

My kitty |Neko Ink x Error|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora