Chapter 1

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*sounds of running*
3rd POV
This is our protagonist of this story y/n. This young lady is one of the top 4 students in her class. The school even changed the name from big three to fantastic 4 because of her and 3 other students. She, along with millions of other has dreams of being a top hero after graduating high school. She trained and studied everyday just to get to where she is now. It was hard for her but she is finally at the peak of her journey.

1st POV
*water splashes*
I was running as fast as I could. I was running a little late as usual. Before I knew it I saw the school in sight. I cheered to myself as I continued running. I soon arrived 3 minutes before the bell. "Nice job y/n right before the bell!" Mirio said in his cheerful voice. "Yeah..." I huffed out trying to catch my breath as I sat down.
"Y/n are you alright you look like your about to pass out" Amakiji said sitting in his desk that was next to mine. "Yeah I'm ok" I said taking a deep breath. "You must have ran so fast!" Said nejire

3rd POV
These are y/n's friends Mirio, Amajiki,and Nejire . They have been her only friends ever since she started at UA. She highly appreciated them, the 4 of them are unseparable. The 4 are also the top 4 students in the school. Even though they are friends our y/n here has quite the crush on Mirio.

1st POV
Class started like usual and like every year they start off with the fitness test. Our teacher tells us to put on out track suits and to head out to the court outside. "So y/n how was your break?" Nejire asked "oh did you tell Mirio how you felt yet!?" She didn't give me time to speak as she has now got me flustered thinking about Mirio. "Oh no not yet.." I said in a hushed tone. She groaned "oh come on y/n you gotta tell him sooner or later it's been three years now!" She shouted "Nejire please keep your voice down before someone hears!" I shouted in a whisper. She giggled at me and we walked into the girls locker room.
Once we were out it was time for the test. Me and the other three all stood next to each other as we waited for our turns. "Soooo y/n" Mirio said sneaking up behind me poking my waist. I jumped a little and made a little squeaky noise. "Mirio please don't do that you scared me!" I said blushing slightly as I pouted. He chuckled and stood beside me now. "You sounded so cute when I did that though!" He said making me blush more. I hid my face with my hair and started to stutter "m...mirio..." I said quietly but enough for him to hear.
He smiled and looked at me "what is it y/n?" i continued to stutter "p..pleas d..don't t...tease me like that.." this made him chuckle more "oh y/n your such a cutie, but fine if you want I'll stop" He said with a smile. My face slowly started to get less red and I stopped hiding my face from him. The teacher gave the instructions and as usual we all listened. "Now Mirio your up first throw the ball" Mirio did as told and even though his quirk wasn't strength based he through it pretty far "100 meters" our teacher called out. he walked back over to us "you did great Mirio" I said with a smile and a light blush "thank you y/n" He said. I was up next as usual I raised my hand and made the ball go up in the air.

Y/n's quirk telekinesis! She can move anything on her own as well as manipulate her strength and speed! But her down side is when her emotions get out of control her power levels go up to 100 or higher and she loses control of her power and could be disastrous

"Infinity!" Our teacher called out the class was already use to this so they gave a regular clapping. "Nice job as always y/n" Mirio said "yeah y/n I always love when you do that!" Nejire said "good job.." Amakiji said in a quiet voice making me giggle "thank you guys"
The rest of the test went on and just like last year the scores stayed the same. Mirio was first I was second and Nejire And Amajiki followed.
We all soon returned to our class after changing. Me and Nejire walked backed to the class together. "Hey Mirio I wanted to know if you wanted to go on a date with me!" Me and Nejire did I quick turn around and saw a girl in our class ask Mirio on a date. Nejire looked at me concerned knowing that if he said ya this would break my heart. " I'm sorry but I already like someone else" He said rubbing the back of his neck. This made the whole class stop and look at him "who..." the girl said sadly and questionably. I could tell he was getting a little nervous "oh it's no one don't worry about" he said with a nervous smile walking away quickly entering the class "who do you think it is?" Nejire asked me nudging my shoulder "I have no idea..." I answered.
It was finally the end of the school day and the four of us were all walking home together. "Hey do you guys wanna go hang out at that new cafe that opened up near the train station!?" Nejire said happily "that sounds like fun" I said smiling at her "yay! What about you two!?" Nejire asked the two boys next to them "oh we actually have plans of our own but maybe next time Nejire but you two can go and then tell us all about it tomorrow!" Mirio said giving another one of his award winning smiles making me blush slightly "y/n are you alright your face is red.." Amajiki said.
This made my face even worse hiding my face from the two boys "no I'm fine!" I said grabbing Nejire's hand and leaving.
3rd POV
"um... ok...bye then!" Mirio said a little confused "did I say something wrong?" Amakiji asked out loud. "I don't know... girls are hard to read" Mirio answered. The two were silent but started to laugh at the situation "alright ready to go?!" Mirio shouted. Amajiki nodded and followed his friend to his house that was the closest to the school.

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