Chapter 27

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Skyes POV

I woke up that morning in my new comfy bed I had the covers wrapped around my naked body as I yawned I turned over to see Brian still asleep next to me, I remembered what happened last night and smiled at what we did, we acted like such teens, like it was our first time sleeping together. I checked the time and it was already 11 am I silently got up from our bed and slipped on my shorts and one of Brians shirts his scent was fresh on this one as I inhaled it, I smiled at how cute he was asleep I gently kissed his forehead and made my way downstairs. I gently shut the door behind me and turned to meet the house maid Glenda I jumped back and had my hand over my heart,

"Oh m'am I'm sorry I scared you" she apologized,

"No, no its fine I scare easily so dont worry about it" I laughed,

"Well good morning m'am may I get you anything?"

"Well I would like some coffee" I giggled

"Follow me the chefs have arrived early this morning to make breakfast for you and Mr Haner as a welcome home gift" she said as we walked down the stairs,

"Thank you but they didnt have to"

"Oh nonsense, they wouldnt want Mr Haners new girlfriend to go without breakfast, its the most important meal of the day!" she said while looking at me strangly.

"Well if you insist, thank you" we walked through to the kitchen as I sat on the kitchen island while Glenda ordered one of the chefs to make me some coffee and toast in Spanish, I could order for myself, I knew a bit of Spanish, so I decided to butt in.

"perdone, querría un café oscuro con brindis blanco de pan por favor, gracias" I said in fluent Spanish to the Chef and Glenda, they looked at me shocked as I was quite proud of my fluent saying of 'excuse me, I would like one dark coffee with white bread toast please, thank you'.

"Español?" the Chef asked me,

"Sí soy medio español" I replied, it was the truth I was half Spanish, my mum was English but my father was full Spanish, thats why I learnt all my language. It took a few minutes for my toast and coffee to be made the Chef Poalo brought it over to me,

"aquí su señora de brindis y café" which meant here is your toast and coffee madam,

"Gracias" I took a bite out of my toast and drunk my tea while reading the local paper. I finished my little snack in under ten mintues when I felt Brians arms around me,

"Good morning" he whispered in my ear,

"Good morning to you too" I said back giggling,

"How did you sleep?"

"Very well, you never told me your chefs where Spanish" I said looking up at him

"Didnt think it would matter, why?"

"No reason, it's just Ive been speaking Spanish to them"

"Your not Spanish though are you?"

"Ah! I never told you did I? Im half Spanish" I laughed and finished my coffee,

"Well maybe you could translate what they say to me sometime then" he laughed and winked at me, "By the way, is that my shirt?"

"Yes it is"

"It looks nice on you" he chuckled,

"El desayuno es servido señor y la señora" Said Poalo wallking into the kitchen,

"Gracias" I replied,

"What did he say?" Brian asked me,

"Breakfast is served Sir and Madam" I laughed and walked towards the dining room, Brian followed behind me and I stopped at the sight of our breakfast, bacon, eggs, sasuages, beans, hashbrowns, pancakes, syrup, toast, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, wow they did go to alot of trouble for us, we seated and started to tuck in Glenda looked happy I was eating and so was Poalo, "Why are they looking at me soo happy?" I asked after swallowing a mouthful of pancakes,

"Because your the first girl they've seen me brought home that will actually eat, Michelle didnt eat anything she was so worried about her weight" He said in a tone, I hit him gently,

"Dont use that tone Bri" I said in a mocking tone and he laughed at me, as soon as we was finished we both got up from the table and went upstairs to get ready to go out by his pool, I slipped on a purple bikini with white polka dots on them, while Brian put on blue swimming trunks, it wasnt long till everybody came around to use the pool with us, so I decided to go down to the Chefs and ask for them to make a very special meal,

"Me perdona, pero le puede hace una comida muy especial para mí y para huéspedes de Brians? Pienso que todos querrían que un steakout de hawaiano barbacoa con pinapple sobrepasara pizza, la sosa y las hamburguesas y los perros calientes con fríe, por favor gracias tanto!" which meant 'Pardon me, but can you make a very special meal for me and Brians guests? I think everyone would like a Hawaiian steakout BBQ with pinapple topped pizza, soda and burgers and hot dogs with fries, please thank you so much!' they nodded in agreement with me and I joined the crew outside, we was all settled into our sundecks and lounging around eating the food the Chefs made and reading books while the boys made their time in the pool having a laugh, when all of a sudden,

"Anybody home!" came the most annoying high pitched voice ever, me, Val, Jayde, Carla and Lo turned around in our chairs only to see Michelle standing in me and Brians backgarden, I felt my eyes harden and my firsts clench and the sight of her but Val's had where over mine,

"Dont worry sweetie I'll get rid of her" she said softly and walking up to Michelle, "Mich, I think you better leave you wasnt invited"

"Screw being invited I only wanted to give Skye a little something......" she walked up to me and I stood up,

"What is it Mich what do you want?" I asked nicely trying to be as polite as I can, but me being nice set Michelle right off as she slapped me.

"Thats for you stealing my boyfriend off me" she slurred I knew at that moment she was drunk, I squared up to her so her face was just near mine,

"Jódale, putea." I said simply, and then I heard a gasp from Glenda, she knew what I said,

"What the fuck did you just say to me, speak English!"

"I said, fuck you, you whore." I said simply, she was going to hit me again but I stopped her hand, "I suggest you better leave" I threw her hand down as Val dragged her out by her shoulders,

"This Isnt over!!" she yelled,

"Oh I think it is Michelle!" I yelled back, i was stunned by how well I defended myself, I looked back and Brian had a huge smile across his face.

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