Chapter 29

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Brians POV,

Ring Ring, Ring Ring, that poxy phone I swear for the love of Johnny I will kill it, I reached out of bed and picked up my phone without looking at the caller I.D,

"Hello Brian Haner speaking" I said politetly even though I was pissed off,

"Brian, have you heard from Jimmy?" Asked Matt down the other end,

"No why?"

"Brian your really not gonna like this one bit" Matt said his voice was shakey, I could hear Val crying in the background,

"Why whats going on? Has something happened?" I asked getting worried, I got up and went towards the window to see a million photographers outside my gate, "Matt what the fuck happened!" I said louder,

"His dead Bri, Jimmy's dead" he cried down the phone, my mouth opened and I dropped the phone, no it cant be my best friend, my brother, dead?,

"Brian?" I heard Skye in the background but I couldnt move, she ran up behind me and grabbed the phone from the floor and started speaking to Matt while she set me down on the bed, it wasnt long till she collapsed onto the floor crying down the phone, I ran to her side and held her, I could feel my own tears fall down my face, Jimmy, my Jimmy.

"Ok yes, we'll be round, see you soon Matt" she finally hanged up the phone, "Bri we're all having a meeting around Matts now come on get up" she dragged me up and helped me got dressed, I just stood there like a doll, I felt weightless and useless.

Skyes POV

I couldnt believe what I heard on the phone, Jimmy's dead. It couldnt be, he was fine! we was with him last night! all these theories ran through my head while I got dressed I couldnt stop crying at the thought of what happened to Jimmy, my Jimbo. We both got dressed and shot out in our car pass the photographers and drove towards Matts when my phone rung,


"Skye change of plans, we're meeting at Jimmys" said Matt slowly

"What why!"

"Because... we have to identify the body" I heard his voice croak at the sound,

"Ok we'll be there" I put the phone down and wiped my eyes again,

"Whats wrong?" Brian asked,

"We have to go to Jimmy's to identify the body" I said softly while crying, Brian burst into more tears at the thought, we drove to Jimmys and got out of our car when Val jumped on me,

"Is it him?" I asked,

"We dont now, we're waiting for you" she hugged me and Bri tightly, we walked inside where the guy asked if we was ready, the boys nodded and so did we and they showed Jimmy's body. My whole world came tumbling down around me. It was him, laying in his front room, he was ice cold and he wasnt breathing, his cute smile wasnt showing and his childlike features had dissapered with him, I saw Brian fall down to the floor screaming at the body of Jimmy, begging him to give up the prank and just wake up because he was scaring him, I fought back my tears but it was no use, more just fell. That was the day we lost our beloved James was the day my heart was broken all over again. The worse thing was next, planning James' funeral, I dont know how I was going to get through this.

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