Ch. 1 You Are Mine

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"What are your plans tonight Soul?" Maka asked as they left the school building.
"I think I'm just gonna head home." Soul slipped his hands into his pockets as he descended the stairs.
"Oh, alright, I'll see you later then." Maka took her leave in the opposite direction.
As Soul walked along the dark and lonely road to his place the air around him started to get thicker. A smirk appeared on Soul's face as he turned around. What was an empty road now held a large man, arms outstretched sharp sword ends where his hands would be.
"Oh, ho, ho. You, smell amazing!" the man ran at Soul. Soul being smaller, more agile, jumped out of the way easily. "You will be my dinner you weak weapon!" He shouted dashing at Soul once again.
"Hey! Temu!" I jumped into the road. "What do you think you're doing?" I placed a hand on my hip as the big man stopped charging the boy to look at me.
"Well, well, look at this, my ex-meister! I can eat both of you!" He screamed into the sky throwing his shoulders back exaggerating the size of his stomach only to have it push out. His body torqued and twitched and quickly went from an adorable chubby man to an extremely muscled tall man. His jaw hung almost to his knees.
"What the hell is he?" the boy shouted shocked.
"He was my weapon!" I jumped out of the way of the man's arms slamming into the ground, trying to hit me. "He was corrupted, by the Dark Ravine." I lunged into the sky kicking Temu in the head sending him flying backward. "I've been hunting him down for about a week now." I jumped out of the way from Temu's attack once again, not knowing that's what he had planned.
"Watch out!" The boy called, Temu appeared above me in the sky kicking me into the ground. I created a large indent in the cement. I jumped out of it, back into the sky. Temu's attention had turned back to the boy. As he ran at the boy I slid in between them grabbing Temu at the elbows keeping him away.
"Temu, we need to cleanse your soul, or I'm going to have to-" My legs were swept out from beneath me. I was slammed into the ground head hitting hard.
"Cleanse me?" Temu laughed as he kicked me in the side sending me flying backward. "I'm as clear as a crystal, I know what I want to do! I need more power!" Temu ran at me. The boy blocked Temu's sword hands with a scythe blade with a smirk on his face.
"I don't think so!" He shoved the man that stood three times his height away.
"Fine, I'll eat you first!" Temu lunged at him. I regained some strength, standing up. Temu saw this and switched target last minute. He now kicked me into the sky just to appear beside me and kick me back to the ground.
"Ahh!" I screamed as I made contact the ground. I sat up coughing up a little bit of blood. "H-hey, you're a weapon yes?" I asked holding my stomach with one eye closed sitting up weakly.
"Yeah, why?" he asked.
"I can't do this on my own anymore. Y-You," I coughed, "need to trust me and try really hard to match your soul wavelength with mine. I will try to match you." I completely stood up. "Temu has grown even more corrupt since the last time I fought with him. I regret not taking him out then." The guy nodded, he wanted to help me up. I held my side with one hand and his hand with the other. We took a deep breath together, my eyes closed. As we let out the breath, I opened my eyes grasping his hand harder. A flash of light shown through the sky as the boy turned into a scythe. My eyes glowing a purple, instead of the green they usually are.
"I, Kyoka, your former meister, will release you from your pain and suffering from the darkness that has consumed your pure heart!" I screamed as our souls resonated causing the wind to pick up around us.
"You smell good!" Temu dashed at us.
"Temu!" I ran to him. I swung the scythe wanting to make Temu's death quick and painless as possible, but he had jumped to the side. Instead of taking his head off like I wanted to, I took his left arm off at the shoulder.
"Dammit, I'm sorry, I'm starting-" the scythe boy tried to justify why Temu wasn't dead yet.
"Just hold on a little longer!" I followed through with the swing to bring the scythe back to his resting place near my body. I lunged at Temu again, this time aiming right at his chest, wanting to slice his heart in half.
"Ahhh!" The scythe and I screamed together. We achieved our goal. Temu dropped to his knees, top half slightly sliding off the bottom half of his body.
"Ms. Yozumi, I'm so sorry for what I have done. Thank you for setting me free." The top half of Temu slid completely off his bottom half. As both pieces of his body hit the ground, he dissolved into nothing but a half black and half gray square soul with a tail. I let go of the scythe dropping to my knees breathing heavy. He changed back into himself, on his knees breathing heavy as well.
"T-Thank you." I dropped down to my hands, slowly flipping over to lay on my back on the ground.
"No, problem. I'm Soul by the way." He sat on his butt resting an arm on his upright knee.
"Soul!" I sat up really fast remembering Temu's soul. I pushed myself onto my knees shakily, then to my feet the best I could.
"Hey, hey." Soul helped me to my feet, my arm around his shoulders.
"Thank you." Soul helped me walk over to my former weapon. Slipping my arm back from Soul, I took Temu into my hands. I faced the weapon I just used out of nowhere. "Here, you must be hungry from tonight's events." I held out the soul for him.
"Oh, I couldn't." He said looking from the soul to me.
"Please. This will truly set him free. He's not a kishen, nor human, nor an innocent soul. There is no punishment for consuming it." My eyes welled with tears. He took the soul by the tail. He looked at it as if to look over a plate of food before eating it. I turned away as Soul ingested my former friend.
"Well, so long weapon boy." I raised a hand in the air to wave bye to him as I took a step. One problem with my step though. I got my foot off the ground, the area got darker, and I slowly fell forward losing mobility and consciousness.

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