Ch. 7 Dipped in Paint

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*real chapter cover coming soon*

 I found a higher spot to sit, head and top of my shoulders protruding from the water. Soul slowly sank his body into the water. It was nice and refreshing. I rubbed my arms and legs knocking all the dirt and blood off into the water. When the debris settled I looked to the corruption. My entire legs were nearly a grayish purple.

"I wonder how much time we have left?" I wondered out loud. Soul stretched under the water only to get out. I swam up to the bank to get a better view of his body. I searched his back for signs of corruption, nothing. "Soul turn around, please," I asked climbing out of the water. He complied, turning around. He let out a breath tilting his head up, only to look down at me. There it was, I don't know why I didn't notice it earlier. The darkness started at his scar working its way outward. He burst into a fit of laughter.

"What!" I called embarrassed, remembering what I was currently wearing.

"You look like you were dipped in paint!" He continued to laugh. He was right from my waist down my skin was the grayish purple, unlike my top half.

"Ok. Ok, you've gotten your kicks. That's enough." I rolled my eyes. He stopped immediately looking directly at me. His eyes glinted then became very dark. Soul grabbed my neck squeezing slowly.

"You, don't tell me what to do." He squeezed harder. "I'll stop when I want to." Something snapped in me. My body became warm, not just a warm but a burning hot. Then something took over. I went into a haze.

"Oh really?" She smiled. Soul became infuriated. He squeezed her neck harder lifting her off of the ground. Kyoka grabbed a hold of his wrist shooting her soul wavelength into his arm, causing a large shock. He dropped her.

"I'll kill you!" He screamed. The darkness grew on his chest. Kyoka dropped down to her hands and knees. Using one of her legs, she swept under Soul's feet before he could move. He fell onto his back. Kyoka jumped onto him, straddling him, pinning his arms above his head.

"WIll you?" She grinned evilly. Soul laughed a bit turning his harm into his blade cutting her hand slightly. Kyo adjusted her soul wavelength to keep the blade from cutting her again. He grunted throwing her off of him, climbing on top of her. He held his blade to her neck, her hands still holding onto it.

"Make it swift and painless, or slow and agonizing?" Soul grinned down at her.

"Whatever you can get away with baby."

"Oh, someone has a sexy side."

"Always have, you just haven't turned me on before now." Kyo struggled beneath his grip. His blade transformed back to his arm holding onto her hands. He pushed them up above her head.

"Oh, no. Soul don't kiss me." She joked sarcasm was heavy in every word. She tensed her body about to throw him off. When he, in fact, bent down planting a hard kiss unto her lips.

My body once again burned, my vision came to, and the color of my eyes reverted to what they once were. My gaze was fixed on Soul. A moment that felt like hours passed before I finally threw him off of me. He landed on his backside a few feet away grabbing his head. I stood up slowly walking to him.

"Oww, My head is killing me." His red eyes back to normal.

"That was weird." I placed two fingers on my lips stopping a step or two away from him, turning to look at the water.

"Why did you throw me?" He finally got up.

"You kissed me!" I turned back to him a blush prominent on my face.

"I did?" He paused for a moment, "Was it good?"

"Yeah," I blushed even more, "I mean. I think the darkness took over." I placed a hand on my neck. "You choked me.

"Oh, I-I don't remember." Soul was genuinely concerned.

"It's fine." I turned to my things. "Let's get going" He nodded slightly grabbing his possessions.

The forest grew darker, the trees looked like they were dying, bushes became thicker, and everything had a gray tinge.

"Must be almost there." I shivered.

"Ahh!" Soul screamed dropping to his knees holding his head. I yelled his name running to his side. Soul's eyes were wide open, staring at the ground. They flickered back and forth between his blood red color to a very dark crimson. He screamed again falling back onto his butt. I knelt beside him.

"Soul, what's going on?" I asked,

"My. Head." He grunted. "I can't control it." Soul let go of his head, his face relaxing.

"Soul?" I asked concerned. He looked up at me. As Soon as our eyes locked, his eyes changed. Following my instincts, I locked lips with him. His eyes changed back to normal. Soul's arm wrapped around my chest pulling me close deepening the kiss. I pulled away from him, helping him stand up.

"That was nice." Soul brushed his body off.

"Hey now." I nudged him a bit. "I'm sorry I kissed you. It brought me back so I thought-"

"Stop saying sorry. It's so annoying." I just shook my head slightly.

"We're in the center of the forest Soul. Here on out, it'll be really dangerous." I stood beside him. He nodded.

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