Ch. 9 See Ya Later Weapon Boy

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*real chapter cover coming soon*

 "Dammit!" Soul yelled into the emptiness. He picked up Kyoka's body. She was very warm. He carried her bridal style further into the forest. There wasn't anything that was going to keep him from that spring. He started running, holding her close.

"Where could it be?" he wasn't paying attention, he lost his footing tumbling down a hill. "Dammit!" Soul screamed holding Kyoka as close as possible. He protected her as they rolled down the hill.

At the bottom of the hill, Soul laid there, holding onto Kyoka's body. Tears welled in his eyes.

"Kyo, I'm so sorry." The tears fell down his face. He sat up leaving her lay on the cold ground. He stroked her hair as he raised himself to his feet. Soul reached into his bag pulling out his jar of poison. He twisted the cap off drinking it in one swig. He threw the jar across the forest. He looked into the direction that he threw the jar. There was a plopping sound. The jar had rolled into some water. Soul didn't have time to think. He picked up Kyoka's body, struggling to breathe. He made his way to the water.

"Kyo, please forgive me." Soul coughed hard sitting on the bank of a creek. His eyes flickered deep purple once again. The darkness may take hold in his final moments of life, but not long enough to cause harm to anyone else. He placed Kyoka's body down lovingly next to the water. Soul struggled to unzip his sweater, taking it off. Taking shaky steps into the creek, Soul wrapped her in his jacket holding her close once again.

"This might not be the right one, but at least I'll be with you." Soul's voice became quiet as his vision slowly faded. He sank into the water, slowly losing grip on her lifeless body.

"Kyoka!" Soul's voice called to me. I sat up from my sleeping position on the floor. I looked from left to right, I couldn't find him, just a dark empty room.

"Soul?" I called back.

"Kyo, please wake up." A woman's voice begged.

"I am awake. Aren't I?" I was confused. I rubbed my arms, they were getting cold, goosebumps formed up and down my arms. A bright light suddenly appeared fifty yards away. I was confused and curious. Standing up on shaky legs I staggered my way to the light. My legs worked like a newborn calf. It was as if I hadn't walked on them for days. I finally made it close to the light.

"Kyoka!" Soul called again. It came from behind me. I turned away from the light.

"Soul, I'm coming!" I took off in a dead sprint. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, stumbling and tripping over my own two feet. The light behind me faded quickly. I ran into the darkness eyes closed, I couldn't see anything anyway.

Kyoka's eyes fluttered back and forth, still closed. She coughed a bit causing Soul to wake up...

"Kyo?" Soul sat up still holding her hand. "Are you awake?" She started coughing violently.

"Professor Stein!" Soul yelled. Stein came into the room. "She's awake." Soul stood up moving away from the bed as tears welled in his eyes. Stein went to work taking her vitals, removing the intubation tube. Kyoka coughed some more able to breathe on her own.

"She'll be alright, how about we take a look at you now." Stein turned to Soul. He placed his hands in his pockets nodding a bit.

I saw a table holding a jar. Inspecting the jar further it contained the poison. I cocked my head. What was that for? I looked down at my arms as they began to shake. The darkness crept across from the tips of my fingers, to my wrists, soon engulfing my entire arms and still progressing. I get it now. Soul did it. Soul helped end my suffering and now I'm stuck in some sort of purgatory. My entire body was engulfed in corruption. My skin started to burn, smoke rising from all over. I started crying, not from the immense pain I was feeling all over my body, it was from the pain in my heart. All the things Soul could have avoided if I wasn't a shitty meister and now he might be just like me.

A ringing echoed in my ears. I pressed my eyes shut wincing in pain. It soon subsided as I slowly opened my eyes. I was laying in a bed, the white room around me was blinding.

"Shut the lights off." I groaned.

"K-Kyoka?" Soul's voice asked. I glanced around the best I could without moving my head. A pressure caused my entire body to shift a little to the right. I moved my head slowly, trying not to cause pain. There he was, Soul. He wore a black tank top, shoulder wrapped, bandages on his face and arms, sitting there on my bed.

"I must be in heaven." I smiled at him. Tears ran down his face as he threw himself on top of me in a hug. "Oww, Soul. That hurts."

"I'm so sorry." He backed up wiping his face clean.

"L-look who's being annoying now." I coughed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm tired." My eyes closed as I fell back asleep not really wanting to.

It's been a couple days since I woke up in the DWMA's hospital wing. I was finally healed enough to leave. I have a scar on my hand that reminds me of Soul, when he kissed me the first time knocking me out of my trance. I will always have corruption in my heart, but it won't spread around my body or to another person. I was corrupted for to long, to go back completely 'normal', my once bright green eyes were now completely different colors. My left eye a deep green and right eye deep purple. Maka had brought me a pair of capri jeans, a green tank, and a gray hoodie. I had been summoned to the Death Room, so that's where I was headed.

"Thank you Kyoka for coming." Lord death spun around. I nodded. "So, you have found the Dark Ravine, the Tranquil Falls, and you lived through the corruption to tell the tale. How are you feeling?"

"Ya know what Lord Death? I feel," I paused for a moment, "complete. I think I'm ready to face Temu's family and tell them what has happened." I sighed with a small smile on my face.

"And what of the young weapon that you shared your journey with?"
"I-I don't know." I looked away. "He has his own life to live."

"Don't forget to say your goodbyes before you leave. I'll be seeing you around. Goodbye Kyoka Yozumi." Lord Death bounced a bit leaning to one side.

"Goodbye Lord Death." I left the Death Room.

As I walked down the streets of Death City I hummed to myself. I reached the edge of town and stopped. I adjusted my bag on my back.

"Kyo! Wait!" I turned around being tackled with a hug. "Leaving town without saying bye isn't cool."

"Hi, Soul." I laughed. He crawled off of me helping me back to my feet.

"You're not staying?" Maka asked.

"No, I have to tell Temus family what happened." I looked away.

"I'll come with, you're defenseless."

"No, Soul. You have a life here. You need to become the greatest Death Scythe ever, and Maka can do that." I made her blush.

"You're a part of my life now," he said softly, almost a whisper, looking away for a brief second.

"That's sweet Soul, but I need to do this." I placed a hand on his cheek guiding his face back to me. I slowly lead him into a gentle sweet kiss. I smiled backing away.

"See you later weapon boy." I turned around placing a hand in the air to wave bye.

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