Chapter five

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Hey guys quick note in this Goth is gonna be younger snd Pallets four in the current time
Inks POV

"Error I fell abit bad for hiding Jammy from them I mean they reacted not too badly to Pallet well Dream And Cross." I felt bad for Dream he was always cheerful but he almost cut. It would be impossible to notice too since he's waring his home clothes which was a black shirt with a golden crown and jeans. Error sighed. "But can we really Risk it what if Nightmare tries to kill you he will know it would pass on to Jammy then." I slightly shivered. "He won't he knows as soon as he kills one of us he lets the others grow further from trusting them." I smiled slightly. "Ok fine but if we will tell them when we get to the island so if anything goes wrong we can run" I nodded. Error might be a little paranoid sometimes. I loved him. Pallet rushed over and cuddled close to me. "Pallet your supposed to be asleep." I heard him sniff and I realized he was crying. "Hey Pallet it's ok what's wrong?" I held him close worried. Error grew worried too. "Did someone hurt you I swe-" He got cut off. "I had a nightmare dad! It's fine." Pallet wiped away his tears. I smiled. "You can sleep with us Tonight."

Geno's POV

I stared at the cage door. Reaper was holding the door opened with a sword near him. I got up. "Geno let's go and only Geno The captain wants him." I could tell it was a lie but was curious on what he was playing at. I walked out and he locked the cage door. He took me to his room and I froze but went in. "When Nightmare questions you don't mention me talking you out your cell I wanted to get to know you better." He patted his bed and I sat down. I huffed. "Fine but don't try anything." He chuckled. "No promises cutie." I glared at him but slightly blushed a light red at the nickname. I sighed. "Ok basic stuff I'm good at cooking I like being alone I have a slash here but I can't die from it unless certain things happen and I like reading books." Reaper nodded. "Wow can I touch you? I want to tell everyone I've been touched by an angel." I blushed more and he chuckled again. "Did you fall-" I cut him off. "From heaven seriously." He thought of a comeback quick. "No did you fall for me Love?" I looked away. "Let's get this over with." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

Cross's POV

I woke up hearing very quiet wimpers. I looked over at where I was hearing them. Everyone was asleep I thought until I noticed Dream. He looked slightly in pain. "Dream you ok." He froze but hid something. "Dream?" He looked at me. "I-I'm Fine." I got up and grabbed his hand. "Dream you can tell me anything are you ok?" Dream refused to tell me and kept saying he was fine. I sighed and layed down again. I was worried but more worried when Killer rushed in opening the cage in a hurry. "Dream did you take one of my knifes?" He rushed over and I got up. "What? Why would he?" Killer looked at me then at Dream. He looked around Dream finding a small dagger covered in blood on the blade. "Dream you didn't?" I made sure no one was awake and hugged Dream. He stiffened. "I'm sorry." He cried and I patted his back. Killer left to go put the knife away and get Bandages. He came back soon and I lifted the sleeves seeing lots of cuts fresh cuts. Killer bandaged them quickly and very good. He sighed. "Dream please don't do that again." He got up leaving.

Dream POV

Why did he stop me? I deserved it after what happened with Ink. I still feel so bad. I can't believe I was out of control! I shivered and Cross held me close. He was my best friend I loved him. I could always depend on him. I leaned my head on his shoulder. The cage was locked once more. I noticed Geno wasn't with us. "Where's Geno?" Cross sighed. "The captain wanted him you and Sci were asleep." I nodded and just fell asleep again. The nightmares that caused me to wake up and cut myself were gone for now. I missed Killer. I felt bad I wasn't supposed to fall in love. It wasn't supposed to be like this. I was supposed to run free as soon as we landed on the island but I wanted to stay. My dream changed.

Geno POV

Reaper brought me back to my cell after a while of chatting. "Talk to you later Love." I blushed and buried my face in my scarf. I sat down and leaned on the bars. God damnit how could I fall for such a flirty guy.

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