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“Skate boarding at night?” I asked incredulously. Cameron was leading me down the empty park towards a white rectangular building at the end of the rink. He suggested on skate boarding at night which is in fact the most stupid thing I’d ever heard. Only Cameron would actually do such. Only him. I sighed a heavy sigh as we drew near to the building. My stomach was getting ready to eject the salad I had scarfed down earlier. Queasiness isn’t a feeling I enjoy best.

“Yeah!” He said with feigned enthusiasm. I could tell this was something he did often. So it was most definitely not a big deal to him. Unfortunately, it was a big deal to me. I’d never done roller skating before. Maybe this was part of the reason I felt like heaving up my guts.

“I feel a bit nauseous,” I said as we kept walking. He turned back to look at me and smiled knowingly. There was a little glint in his eye as he smirked. What was up with him?

“What?” I asked.

“I just remembered when you puked on my shoes the other day,” He chuckled. He said “the other day” as if it was just any normal day where I just walked passed him and thought, oh hey, why don’t I just puke on his shoes? Should be fun! I shook my head and laughed. He laughed along with me as if he knew what I was thinking. Then I had a disturbing thought. My brows must have been furrowed because he looked at me with a confused expression.

“What?” He asked.

“How did you get my numb-,”

Before I could complete my sentence, he threw open a fire door leading us into a building that looked much bigger inside than it did on the outside. The lights were on and-

There were boys. A lot of them. Probably about fifteen of them. No girls in sight except maybe the security guards stationed at all corners of the building. I marvelled at the sight. Well, this is different.

“Yo Cam!” One of the boys yelled as he walked over to us. He had messy black hair that was dishevelled and stuck out in different directions. He was lean and tall and dare I admit it, he was kind of cute. I blushed as he came closer, his dark brown eyes bored into mine and made me blush even further. He was adorable.

“I thought no fans were allowed,” He said as he gave me a shy smile. I must have been the colour of beetroot.

“That’s the thing,” Cameron smiled. “She isn’t a fan,”

That was so true.

“Then who is she?” The boy asked curiously. I was guessing these guys never really met other people like me. The boys must have pretty much made a crowd around Cameron and me now.

“She’s a…” Cameron trailed off. “A friend,” He said finally. As if that was it, and that was exactly what we were. Although, I doubt Cameron and I had even got to the level of being friends. Acquaintances sounded more like it.

The boy turned to me. His long eyelashes hovered over his honey coloured eyes that made me shiver. He grinned at me. His white sharpened teeth glistened against the brightly lit room. I felt my heart beat increase in tremendous speed and I had this feeling at my spine.

“Yo Oliver!” Cam yelled in a weird accent that I couldn’t recognise.

“Yes Jamie,” Nash answered in the same weird accent. Huh? Oliver? Jamie? These guys had issues.

“Hand her a board,” Cameron said to Nash, they were talking to each other as if I wasn’t there. I groaned, I didn’t know how to skate to save my life.

“Do you skate?” Cameron asked. Suddenly, a skinny boy with wide eyes popped up behind Cameron and said “Or nahh?” Before disappearing into wherever he came from.

“No,” I said casually. “Never done it in my life,”

“Boo!” Cameron booed from beside me, quite loudly actually, he must have had lungs of steel.

“Are you going to teach her how to skate Cam?” The really cute boy asked, it was a shame I hadn’t asked for his name yet; I hadn’t actually talked to anyone here in fact. I’ve been mute the entire time.

“Yeah,” Cam said. His brown eyes bored into mine. “Would you like me to teach you?” He asked softly. I swallowed nervously and nodded ever so slightly.


I honestly couldn’t count how many times I’d fallen on my bum, nose, face, arm and pretty much every part of the body that could be counted.

Once again, an hour and a half later, I found myself on the floor. To even make it more interesting I had fallen on my bum. Again. This time the laughter erupted from my belly quickly, bubbling up my throat. And for the first time in a while, dare I say it- I was having fun. Not just by myself, but with people who I considered friends. Especially Cameron Dallas.

He was actually a decent person, except for the times where he pushed me off the board on purpose. But what would you expect? He’s Cameron Dallas.

And he’s my friend.


So who is the cute boy? Hmm any guesses. Internet is super bad right now, so there is no room for the kind of A/N I was hoping to leave love y'all so much! Listen to Classic by MKTO!!!!! It's awesome! xxxxxx

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